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Parent Teacher Conferences/Report Cards

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1 Parent Teacher Conferences/Report Cards
Dear Parents, We’ve been working very hard this month & also having so much fun in class 5M. Here is what we’ve been up to! In November, we were working on... Math Go Math Chapter 3 Adding & Subtracting Decimals Math Review Rotations ELA Nonfiction Reading Strategies Analyzing Complex Nonfiction Mentor Text: When Lunch Fights Back Writing Workshop Brainstorming, Prewriting, Researching, & Drafting our Information Writing Topics with Different Text Structures Social Studies European Contact with the Native Americans The Columbian (Great) Exchange Science Human Body Systems – Circulatory System & Respiratory System Parent Teacher Conferences/Report Cards Thurs., December 1st 6:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. No School/ Parent Teacher Conferences Fri., December 2nd 8:30 A.M.-3:00 P.M. Winter Recess Begins December 26th Glance at the Month Ahead In Reading Workshop, we will be continuing our nonfiction unit: Tackling Complexity, Moving up the Levels of Nonfiction. In Writing Workshop, we will be continuing our information writing books. In Math, we will be starting Chapter 4 of Go Math – Multiplying Decimals In Science, we will be continuing with our study of the human body. In Social Studies, we will be continuing our study of European Explorers & Slavery. We will be continuing our 40 Book Challenge. Please encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes each night. Reading Responses are due every Friday. Please stress the importance of completing homework each night. I look forward to meeting with you at Parent/Teacher Conferences this week!  Fondly, Mrs. Maywald

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