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The 16th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions June 16 - 21, 2008 Seoul, Korea.

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Presentation on theme: "The 16th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions June 16 - 21, 2008 Seoul, Korea."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 16th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions
June , 2008 Seoul, Korea

2 String Physics at the LHC
ATLAS ALICE CMS Luis Anchordoqui

3 Outline ✻ String theory and all that
✻ Extra U (1)´s in D-brane constructions ✻ Photons and gluons as quiver neighbors ✻ LHC discovery reach ➣Works done in colaboration with Haim Goldberg, Satoshi Nawata and Tom Taylor PRL100, (2008) arXiv: ; arXiv:

4 TeV Scale Strings ➣ Large extra spatial dimensions and D-brane constructs allow low string scale compatible with weak 4-D gravity Regge recurrences in TeV region Antoniadis, Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali PLB436, 257 (1998) ➣ Open strings can terminate on stack of N identical D branes U(N) gauge group for each stack Polchinski PRL75, 4724 (1995)

5 Gauge Fields ■ U(3) : 8 SU(3) gluons, additional U(1) → C
μ coupled to baryon number ■ U(2) : 3 SU(2) W´s, additional U(1) → X μ Antoniadis, Kiritsis and Tomaras PLB486, 186 (2000) ■ Minimal Sp(1) : 3 W´s, no additional U(1) Berenstein and Pinansky PRD75, (2007) ■ U(1) : another extra U(1) → B μ Y (hypercharge) = linear comb of C , X , B μ μ μ μ Conversely

6 Minimal Quiver Standard Model
Berenstein and Pinansky PRD75, (2007)

7 gg → g g ■ Does not exist at tree level in field theory
■ But does exist at ¨tree¨ (i.e. disk) level in string theory ■ Involves only gauge bosons so is independent of the fermion embeddings ■ Idea is that

8 Amplitudes The basic string partial amplitude is (MHV, or Maximum Helicity Violating) Veneziano form factor Parke and Taylor PRL56, 2459 (1986) Stieberger and Taylor PRL97, (2006)

9 Now permute, square, sum, average and project onto photon:
Squared Average Now permute, square, sum, average and project onto photon:

10 Limiting Cases At low energies s, t, u « M²
❖ Note that (unwanted) zero mass poles have cancelled – not trivial! Usually implemented by hand through choice of Chan- Paton factor ❖ Burikham, Figy and Han PRD71, (2005) Cheung and Liu PRD72, (2005) Meade and Randall JHEP0805, 003 (2008) See, however, Cullen, Perelstein and Peskin PRD62, (2000) Near string threshold s ≈ M² s Juego 2 Scattering proceeds through J = 0 and J = 2 angular momenta

11 Phenomenology ■ At collider resonance formation and decay will populate high k region T ■ SM processes for pp → g + jet -5 Lead to rapid ~ k falloff T ■ Take as our signal N above SM background for integrated cross section ev

12  vs. k T,min

13 σ vs. M s

14 Isolated prompt photons
Gupta, Choudhary, Chatterji, Bhattacharya and Shivpuri arXiv: Major experimental background misidentification with high k πº - O (10³) multiplier T Imposition of isolation cuts reduces event rate for the high k πº background T

15 β QCD background from direct photon production ≈ 8.1 x 10
5 QCD background from direct photon production ≈ 8.1 x 10 (for 100 fbˉ¹) Introducing Increases effective background by factor → Decreases S/N ratio by

16 Bump-hunting ■ Hope to see resonance bumps in data binned in M = invariant mass of  + jet ■ Impose rapidity (y) and k cuts on photon and jet and measure cumulative cross sections T ■ Look for regions with significant deviations from QCD background, find interval with bump! ■ Integrate over [M - 2, M + 2] find S/N s s

17 Signal-to-Noise

18 Discovery Reach

19 ALICE ■ We may simultaneously compare the colliding PbPb facility with the proton beam for our search ■ Ignore parton shadowing, assume ■ Flux greater by factor of A energy/parton less by factor of Z/A ≃ 0.3

20 ALICE Sensitivity requires pbˉ¹→ above present day estimate of integrated luminosity

21 Remarks and Conclusions
✻ We have identified a tree-level process unique to strings, independent of embedding ✻ Discovery of TeV-scale string physics (at 5) possible for M ~ 2.3TeV with 10% C-Y mixing s ✻ Results are conservative in that ● string corrections to SM processes not included ● contribution from tails of higher resonances not included JUEGO 2 ✻ High-k Z production suppressed relative to ’s by a factor of tan²θ = differs radically from evaporation of black holes produced at the LHC T W

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