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RED System Madrid, 29th October 2015.

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1 RED System Madrid, 29th October 2015



4 1. The Social Security System
Scope of Application General Scheme Employees in industry and services.* *Since 1 January 2012 they are included in the Special System for Agricultural Employees and the Special System for Domestic Workers. Special Schemes By their nature, they cover particular conditions in terms of time and place, because of the type of productive processes involved. Workers in coal mining Self-employed workers Workers at sea Public-sector workers, civilian and military Students

5 1. The Social Security System
Legal description Arises: Due to carrying out a professional activity included within the scope of application. It is constituted: By means of Documents of Membership that formalise this relationship. Registration of companies Membership Worker registration and deregistration

6 1. The Social Security System
Social Security contributions These are work-related contributions that constitute the basic financial resources of the contributory part of the system. The basis is the CONTRIBUTORY character through CONTRIBUTIONS From: Workers in the system Employers


2. The RED System What is the RED System? It is a system for the exchange of data between companies, professionals and the General Treasury of the Social Security System, using the Internet as the means of transmission. COMPANIES THE GENERAL TREASURY OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM PROFESSIONALS

9 How the remittance cycle functions
2. The RED System How the remittance cycle functions USERS Reception Responses Contributions Membership Submission Responses Contributions Membership Professionals in Associations Companies Third Parties Delivery report Internet THE GENERAL TREASURY OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM Files Contributions Membership Mechanism for electronic security and confidentiality that guarantees the integrity, identity and non-repudiation in electronic communications. SILCON certificate or electronic DNI (ID)

10 2. The RED System Advantages
Cost savings in resources, both human (no need for trips) and technical (no paper). Centralises the management associated with the Social Security system. 24/7 service. Flexible access. Adoption of the Internet as a method of transmission means the system can be accessed from anywhere. FOR COMPANIES Flexibility and simplification of administrative procedures. Personalisation of the service offered: the user is considered a client rather than a subject of administrative procedures. Continuous information.

11 2. The RED System Advantages Cost reductions through doing away with paper and the savings in human resources needed to record the information on paper. Better quality data collected. FOR THE TGSS Improvement in the management of Social Security benefits Gives an image of modernity and efficiency.

2. The RED System Scope of management The RED System allows the management of registration/membership, contributions/collection and medical reports, among users of the system (companies) and the Social Security system, with a minimum infrastructure and with the user carrying out the administration from his own office. The RED System has functionalities for: CONTRIBUTIONS/COLLECTION Registration/ Membership MEDICAL REPORTS

13 Medical leave certificate
2. The RED System Scope of management Submission to the National Social Security Institute and/or the mutual societies covering accidents at work and occupational diseases in the following reports: Medical leave certificate Confirmation of leave MEDICAL REPORTS Medical discharge Submission of Maternity/Paternity certificates

14 Registration/Membership
2. The RED System Scope of management Registration/Membership CCC (contribution account code) registration of the individual employer (principal and/or secondary) in the following schemes: General Scheme (0111), including the following groups or special systems: Artists (0112) Special Vegetable Preserves System (0132) Special Fresh Tomato System (0134) Special Film Screening System (0136) Special Public Opinion Interviewers System (0137) Special Agricultural System (0163) Special Domestic Workers System (0138) Special Coal Mining System (0911) Assignment of secondary CCC code of group employer Listing of Collective Agreement Financial collaboration in temporary incapacity: claim, rejection and cancellation of claim/rejection. Modification of domicile of a CCC account Consultation/petition of reports (CCC code situations, workers registered, workers with previous movements, average workforce of registered workers...). COMPANIES

15 Scope of management WORKERS Registration / Membership
2. The RED System Scope of management Registration / Membership Successive registrations and deregistrations. Prior registrations and deregistrations. Cancellation of consolidated registrations and deregistrations. Change in data (contract, occupations, contribution group). Obtaining duplicates of registrations and deregistrations. Processing of actual days worked. Consultations/Requests for reports (working life, continuance for benefits, etc.) Request for Contribution Data Reports (IDC): by employment relationship, award period. Consultation of registration of workers in another company: employers who contract or subcontract a company for works or services may consult the registration status at a particular date for the workers of the contracted or subcontracted company. Procedures in the Special Self-Employed Scheme: Request for registration Request for deregistration Request for change of address WORKERS

16 Registration/Membership
2. The RED System Trends in the System 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 90 , 00 % 100 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan - 15 Feb Mar Apr May Annual change Monthly change Percentage of Membership Registration/Membership

17 Scope of management CONTRIBUTIONS/ COLLECTION
2. The RED System Scope of management ACT 34/2014 OF 26 DECEMBER, ON MEASURES RELATED TO THE PAYMENT AND RECEIPT OF SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS Social Security contributions payable jointly will be paid in accordance with this Act and in its implementing regulations, through one of the following systems: CONTRIBUTIONS/ COLLECTION Self-assessment payment system by the person responsible for making the Social Security contributions and for joint collection. Direct payment system by the General Treasury of the Social Security system, for each worker, according to the data available on the persons obliged to make contributions and the data that must be submitted by the persons responsible for making contribution payments.


19 3. Self-assessment payment system
RED Remittances CHARACTERISTICS Self-assessment settlement: Calculation of the settlement based on information provided by the user every month. Subsequent check of the information. Calculations at the level of Contribution Account Code (CCC) Quality of the information: The information offered is only at the level of payment. CONTRIBUTIONS/COLLECTION

20 3. Self-assessment payment system
RED Remittances The CCCs must belong to one of these schemes: General Scheme (0111). Includes: Artists (0112): the Payment Mode is not calculated for this special system Special Fruit, Vegetables and Vegetable Preserves System (0132). Special System of Fresh Tomato Packaging and Handling (0134): the Payment Mode is not calculated for this system. Special System for permanent seasonal workers who provide their services in companies in film screening, dance halls, discotheque and ballroom companies (0136). Special System for permanent seasonal workers who provide their services in market research and public opinion companies (0137). Special Agricultural System (0163) Special Mariner System (08xx). Special Coal Mining System (0911). CONTRIBUTIONS/COLLECTION

21 3. Self-assessment payment system
RED Remittances Presentation of the payroll lists of workers in the schemes and groups included: Normal payments: L00 Supplementary payments: L02 - Back pay, L03 - Payment of back pay, L09 - Other supplementary payments, L13 - Holidays not taken and paid at the end of the employment contract Request for Mode of Payment Payment in account Payment of contributions is made through direct debit in the financial institution and account chosen by the user. Period for request: from 1st to 20th of the collection month The payment will be made on the last working day of the collection month. Electronic payment The TGSS issues a Contribution Settlement Receipt that can be used to pay the contributions through the different payment channels. The payment is debited at the time of payment by the user. CONTRIBUTIONS/COLLECTION

22 3. Self-assessment payment system
RED Remittances Processing of Debit Settlements and Zero Balance for the company. Request for employee's contribution. Receipts for the contribution payments for late payment or request for employer's contribution. Handling of doubts: Certificate of the status of contribution, list of workers associated with the debt documents, consultation, report and request for documents of payment of the debt to the TGSS. Processes for the Special Self-Employed Scheme: request for change of the direct debit details and consultation of the bases and amounts paid. CONTRIBUTIONS/COLLECTION

23 3. Self-assessment payment system
Trends in the System 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 90,00% 100,00% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Jan - 15 Feb Mar Apr May Annual change Monthly change Percentage in Contributions 99.88% CONTRIBUTIONS/COLLECTION Number of workers pending submission in May 2015 17,150 Number of CCCs pending submission in May 2015

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