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Synoptic Scale Balance Equations

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1 Synoptic Scale Balance Equations
Using scale analysis (to identify the dominant ‘forces at work’) and manipulating the equations of motion we can arrive at: geostrophic balance deviations from geostrophic balance (curvature and friction) hydrostatic balance hypsometric equation thermal wind equation Quasigeostrophic omega equation

2 DLA Fig.10.2 The space and time scales of motion for a particular type of system are the characteristic distances and times traveled by air parcels in the system (or by molecules for molecular scales).

3 geostrophic balance Horizontal Momentum Equation
Example Scale Analysis Horizontal Momentum Equation Synoptic Scale: U ≈ 10 m/s W ≈ m/s L ≈ 106 m H ≈ 104 m T = L/U ≈ 105 s R ≈ 107 m fo ≈ /s Po ≈ 1000 hPa 1 Pa = kg/(ms2) ρ ≈ 1 kg/m3 geostrophic balance

4 causes a net force on air, directed toward lower pressure
Forces Acting on the Atmosphere – Pressure Gradient Force causes a net force on air, directed toward lower pressure DLA Fig. 7.5

5 Forces Acting on the Atmosphere Coriolis Force
to the right of motion in the NH strength determined by: latitude speed of motion DLA Fig. 7.7A

6 Synoptic Scale Balance Equations
Using scale analysis (to identify the dominant ‘forces at work’) and manipulating the equations of motion we can arrive at: geostrophic balance deviations from geostrophic balance (curvature and friction) hydrostatic balance hypsometric equation thermal wind equation Quasigeostrophic omega equation

7 Forces Acting on the Atmosphere
Centripetal Force & Gradient Wind Balance force pointing away from the center around which an object is turning centripetal acc = - centrifugal force (difference beteeen PGF and COR) DLA Fig. 7.13

8 Geostrophic Approximation: Strengths and Weaknesses – curved flow
Winds and Heights at 500 mb

9 Geostrophic Approximation: Strengths and Weaknesses
Geostrophic Winds at 500 mb (determined using analyzed Z and geostrophic equations)

10 Geostrophic, Gradient, and Real Winds
Winds - Geostrophic Winds = Ageostrophic Winds (What’s Missing From Geostrophy) Vg is too weak Vg is too strong

11 Forces Acting on the Atmosphere
Friction DLA Fig. 7.14 DLA Fig. 7.15


13 Synoptic Scale Balance Equations
Using scale analysis (to identify the dominant ‘forces at work’) and manipulating the equations of motion we can arrive at: geostrophic balance deviations from geostrophic balance (curvature and friction) hydrostatic balance hypsometric equation thermal wind equation Quasigeostrophic omega equation

14 hydrostatic balance Vertical Momentum Equation Example Scale Analysis
Synoptic Scale: U ≈ 10 m/s W ≈ m/s L ≈ 106 m H ≈ 104 m T = L/U ≈ 105 s R ≈ 107 m fo ≈ /s Po ≈ 1000 hPa 1 Pa = kg/(ms2) ρ ≈ 1 kg/m3 hydrostatic balance

15 Hydrostatic Balance air parcel in hydrostatic balance experiences no net force in the vertical DLA Fig. 7.6

16 Synoptic Scale Balance Equations
Using scale analysis (to identify the dominant ‘forces at work’) and manipulating the equations of motion we can arrive at: geostrophic balance deviations from geostrophic balance (curvature and friction) hydrostatic balance hypsometric equation thermal wind equation Quasigeostrophic omega equation

17 Geopotential, Geopotential Height, and the Hyposmetric Equation
We arrive at the hypsometric equation by using scale analysis (hydrostatic balance) and by combining the hydrostratic equation and the equation of state Hypsometric Equation The hypsometric equation: provides a quantitative measure of the geometric distance between 2 pressure surfaces – it is directly proportional to the temperature of the layer Shows that the gravitational potential energy gained when raising a parcel is also proportional to the temperature of the layer We can quantitatively see what we intuitively know: a warm layer will be thicker than a cool layer

18 Synoptic Scale Balance Equations
Using scale analysis (to identify the dominant ‘forces at work’) and manipulating the equations of motion we can arrive at: geostrophic balance deviations from geostrophic balance (curvature and friction) hydrostatic balance hypsometric equation thermal wind equation Quasigeostrophic omega equation

19 A non-zero horizontal T gradient leads to vertical wind shear
Thermal Wind - Concepts Horizontal T gradients  horizontal p gradients  vertical variations in winds (e.g. geostrophic winds) A non-zero horizontal T gradient leads to vertical wind shear Thermal wind (VT) describes this vertical wind shear: not an actual wind it represents the difference between the geostrophic wind at 2 vertical levels specifically, VT relates the horizontal T gradient to the vertical wind shear

20 VT also provides information about T advection (backing vs. veering)
Thermal Wind - Concepts VT is therefore a useful tool for analyzing the relationship between T, ρ, p and winds VT also provides information about T advection (backing vs. veering)

21 Note similarity to geostrophic wind, except T replaces Φ
The Thermal Wind Equation VT is derived by combining the hypsometric equation and the geostrophic equation Note similarity to geostrophic wind, except T replaces Φ VT ‘blows’ parallel to isotherms, with low T on the left

22 cold warm vT is positive vg increases w/ height Thermal Wind
Spatial relationships between horizontal T and thickness gradients, horizontal p gradient, and vertical geostrophic wind gradient. cold warm H, Fig. 3.8 vT is positive vg increases w/ height

23 Thermal Wind – Climatological Averages
North y South WH Figure 1.11

24 Thermal Wind – Extratropical Cyclone
we can apply the same logic to the instantaneous picture in an extratropical cylcone NW SE Vertical cross section from Omaha, NE to Charleston, SC. WH Figure 3.19

25 Synoptic Scale Balance Equations
Using scale analysis (to identify the dominant ‘forces at work’) and manipulating the equations of motion we can arrive at: geostrophic balance deviations from geostrophic balance (curvature and friction) hydrostatic balance hypsometric equation thermal wind equation Quasigeostrophic omega equation

26 following air parcel motion:
Term B – Relationship of Upper Level Vorticity to Divergence / Convergence DLA Fig. 8.31 following air parcel motion: divergence occurs where ζa is decreasing convergence occurs where ζa is increasing

27 quasigeostrophic vorticity equation (1)
Omega Equation – Derivation quasigeostrophic vorticity equation (1) quasigeostrophic thermodynamic equation (2) quasigeostrophic relative vorticity can be expressed as the Laplacian of geopotential (3) plug (3) into (1)  (4) re-arrange (2)  (5)

28 no wind observations necessary no info regarding vorticity tendency
Omega Equation – Derivation the QG Omega Equation is a diagnostic equation used to determine rising and sinking motion based solely on the 3D structure of the geopotential no wind observations necessary no info regarding vorticity tendency no T structure downside: higher order derivates

29 C B A Omega Equation – Derivation Differential Vorticity Advection
+ B = + vorticity adv.  rising B = - vorticiy adv.  sinking Rising/Sinking A ≅ - sign LHS ≅ - ω + RHS = rising motion - RHS = sinking motion Thickness Advection + C = warm adv.  rising - C = cold adv.  sinking

30 Above Surface L PVA the column is cooling
Term B – Differential Vorticity Advection Above Surface L PVA the column is cooling there is very little temperature advection above the L center  the only way for the layer to cool is via adiabatic cooling (rising) 500 mb Height H Fig. 6.11 1000 mb Height PVA

31 Above Surface H NVA the column is warming
Term B – Differential Vorticity Advection Above Surface H NVA the column is warming there is very little temperature advection above the H center  the only way for the layer to warm is via adiabatic warming (sinking) 500 mb Height H Fig. 6.11 1000 mb Height NVA

32 Term B – Differential Vorticity Advection
the ageostrophic circulation (rising/sinking) predicted in the previous slides maintains a hydrostatic T field (T and thickness are proportional) in the presence of differential vorticity advection without the vertical motion, either the vorticity changes at 500 mb could not remain geostrophic or the T changes in the mb layer would not remain hydrostatic

33 Term C – Thickness Advection
At the 500 mb Ridge WAA anticyclonic vorticity must increase  at the 500 mb ridge, vorticity advection cannot produce additional anticyclonic vorticity  divergence is required (rising) 500 mb Height H Fig. 6.11 1000 mb Height WAA

34 Term C – Thickness Advection
At the 500 mb Trough CAA cyclonic vorticity must increase  at the 500 mb trough, vorticity advection cannot produce additional cyclonic vorticity  convergence is required (sinking) 500 mb Height H Fig. 6.11 1000 mb Height CAA

35 Term C – Thickness Advection
the predicted vertical motion pattern is exactly that required to keep the upper-level vorticity field geostrophic in the presence of height changes caused by the thermal advection

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