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Invitations Towards Success:

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Presentation on theme: "Invitations Towards Success:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Invitations Towards Success:
A Reverse Transfer Partnership Between University of Minnesota Duluth & Lake Superior College

2 Registrar University of Minnesota Duluth
Carla Boyd Registrar University of Minnesota Duluth

3 Curriculum & Transfer Specialist University of Minnesota Duluth
Sarah Hatfield Curriculum & Transfer Specialist University of Minnesota Duluth

4 Degree Specialist University of Minnesota Duluth
Carmel Petersson Degree Specialist University of Minnesota Duluth

5 What is Reverse Transfer?
Transfer of credits from a four-year institution to a two-year institution from which a student transferred. If eligible, the student is awarded an associate degree. From the National Student Clearinghouse website:

6 Why Is there a Need for Reverse Transfer?
BENEFIT TO STUDENT Ability to achieve milestone degree (motivation, self-esteem). Waiver of Liberal Education Program at UMD. Potential raises, employment opportunities. BENEFIT TO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Increased degree completion. Ability to have students who have left prior to obtaining a degree graduate as a LSC student. BENEFIT TO UNIVERSITY Increased partnership with UMD and community. Ability to aide students in obtaining milestone degree.

7 Impact of Two-Year Degree Completion
Baccalaureate Outcomes Six Years After Transfer of Students with/without Two-Year Degree or Certificate * Data from the National Student Clearinghouse Signature Report 5, July 2013

8 How this got started…. and National Conversation Minnesota Legislature
Pressure!! Public Pressure!! MnSCU forever! UofM Rocks! The Chancellors met over coffee to talk about it, and came up with a plan that called for...

9 Office of the Registrar Action!!!
Next steps... Office of the Registrar Action!!! Automation Timing Planning Security Things to consider Communication Staff Information DATA Process Follow-up PLAN PILOT

10 What Technology Was Available To Us?
This entire project was done with only the use of three existing systems: Student Information Systems (PeopleSoft, ISRS) DARwin Google

11 1. UMD/LSC Reverse Transfer Pilot Project
Getting Started

12 Starting the Project UMD and Lake Superior College held 10 meetings to work out the process and implementation of the Reverse Transfer Pilot Project.

13 Questions We Asked Ourselves
Who? Who is our student population? What criteria do they have to meet? How? How will we reach out to students? How will we obtain consent to share transcripts? What will happen after transcripts are shared?

14 Questions We Asked Ourselves
When? What is the length of the pilot project? Why? How will students respond? Will they understand how Reverse Transfer can be beneficial to them?

15 Currently enrolled at UMD the time of the query.
Student Profile: Currently enrolled at UMD the time of the query. No current financial holds at UMD. In good academic standing (2.0 GPA) at UMD. Has not completed AA or AFA at LSC* Earned a minimum of 15 credits at LSC. Earned a minimum of 30 credits at UMD. *or Bachelor’s at UMD or other institution.

16 It was decided the pilot project would run approximately one year.
Pilot Project Length It was decided the pilot project would run approximately one year. Students would be given three opportunities to participate in the pilot.

17 Communication & Response Plan (2015-2016)
Communication by UMD Participation Response Deadline LSC Response Deadline Fall Semester November 1st February 1st Spring Semester March 1st June 1st Summer August 1st

18 (1st Personal Outreach)
Our Process Query Data Clean Up Contact Student (1st Personal Outreach)

19 Electronic Communication

20 Why do I need my AA degree? How does this help me?
A Personal Approach By personally reaching out to students, UMD and LSC hoped to engage them in the process. Why do I need my AA degree? How does this help me?

21 2. UMD/LSC Reverse Transfer Pilot Project Implementation
A Student-Centered Approach

22 Importance of Student Consent
Why was student consent important to UMD/LSC’s Reverse Transfer Project?

23 Communicating to Students
After the querying and data clean up process was complete, UMD had its list of potential reverse transfer candidates. Communication was sent to them by the Office for Students in Transition.

24 Number of Invitations Sent
Reaching Out Communication by UMD Number of Invitations Sent Fall Semester 143 Spring Semester 137 Summer 161

25 Our Process LSC Analyzes Credits Towards Degree Completion
Student Authorization UMD Sends Transcripts to LSC LSC Analyzes Credits Towards Degree Completion

26 Reverse Transfer Authorization Form - Delivered by Google

27 Reverse Transfer Authorization Form - Delivered by Google

28 Student Authorizations
Communication by UMD Number of Invitations Sent Number of Students Authorizing Participation Number of Students Not Authorizing Fall Semester 143 22 1 Spring Semester 137 21 2 Summer 161 18

29 Collaboration Through Google - UMD & LSC
All my gen eds will be completed! I can’t wait to get my AA degree!! UMD ID LSC ID

30 LSC Documents Analysis Results in Google Doc
What are the results? What requirements are left? How many credits completed...left? Notes...

31 Our Process LSC Inputs Results of Analysis onto Reverse Transfer Response Form LSC Awards Degree (if applicable) LSC Sends Transcript to UMD - Lib Eds Waived, Milestone Added (2nd Personal Outreach)

32 Milestones - Delivering Feedback to Students

33 Milestones - Delivering Feedback to Students

34 Milestone Details

35 Milestone Details

36 Our Results! AA Degrees conferred
General Education requirements completed Sense of accomplishment & completion Greater likelihood of baccalaureate completion $$ redirected to other courses

37 Where Do We Go From Here?

38 Follow Up Survey On October 5th, UMD sent out a follow-up survey to all students who authorized the release of their transcript to LSC. We are currently in the process of obtaining student feedback regarding their Reverse Transfer experience.

39 *Thank you* Any questions? Carla Boyd Sarah Hatfield Carmel Petersson

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