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Tips for best-in-class procurement approach

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1 Tips for best-in-class procurement approach
Hotel Purchasing Tips for best-in-class procurement approach

2 Agenda 1. Hotel revenue 2. Deciding factors 3. Housing bureau
hotel purchasing 1. Hotel revenue 2. Deciding factors 3. Housing bureau 4. Key tips for negotiation 5. A negotiation check list 6. Conclusions

3 How a hotel generates its revenues?
A hotel makes its revenue based on: - bedrooms - food & beverage - optimisation of meeting space revenue - incidential charges or - discretionary spend. hotel revenues RevPAR Financial success measurement: (Revenue per available room) Revenue Generating Sectors Corporate transient contracts Leisure contracts Online leisure sales Walk-in business Leisure Groups Corporate groups MICE Association business Meeting space or f&b events

4 Revenue Displacement: it’s about what you move!
Deciding factors Revenue Displacement: It’s not what you book, it’s about what you move! Bedroom capacity in the city Risk and reward (Cancellation versus Profit) RevPAR Achievement of financial KPIs Background information (taking correct decision) Transparency Competition (what they do) - Economic climate (changes) - MICE revenue (growing importance) deciding factors

5 Involvement of a housing bureau
Hotel´s point of view Delegate´s point of view Sophisticated software from a HB – allocations pick up and better risk management Fair competition - alignment of terms and conditions Forecast AverageRate -guaranteed volume Sell “distressed” inventory during the run-up to the congress - not the most price competitive solution for dynamic pricing Centralisation of power in the hands of the housing bureau - making money encouraging direct booking or not attend

6 Key Tips for negotiation
PRICE PAYMENTS Are dates flexible and what are the day patterns? Conference dates often seem to be chosen before a good understanding of the low and shoulder seasons of the hotels in the destination are understood Can you demonstrate a good track record for payment On-time or before-time payments improve a hotel’s cash flow and can be extremely attractive COMMITMENT REVENUE VALUE Can booking history be provided so that there is transparency relating to cancellation and attrition? If the hotel has capacity negotiate a free-sale opportunity for some of the rooms at the same rate Negotiate a guarantee minimum room block and manage the rest with better conditions Is there any chance of repeat business? What is the value of any food & beverage consumption – even with breakfast and a cocktail party, this premium revenue can have a very positive influence on the negotiation Can you include pre- and post convention stays to increase room night uptake Could to offer promotional rates for individual delegates to return on their own privately?

7 Key Tips for negotiation
HONESTY & KNOW-HOW Consumption history (room nights, revenue possibilities) Highlight the potential of business materialisation (how many hotels competing, how many destinations?

8 A negotiation check list
accommodation meeting space Win-win situation - Total Revenue + Average Rate. Comp Policy (ie. 1/40) Comp Concierge Level - Suite Upgrade Negotiated Group - sleeping room rate Reduced Staff Rooms - comp or reduced rate Comp site inspection and planning trip - up to 6 rooms Comp guestroom amenities (ie. Mini bar) Comp local calls and 800 access fees for sleeping rooms Comp high speed internet access in sleeping rooms Comp or reduced portage fees Comp limousine transfers for VIP's Discounted transfers for meeting attendees Discount on total Audio Visual Internet connection - Meeting Rooms Discount on total F&B Comp bartenders, bar-setups, carvers or chefs Comp coat check Comp or upgraded coffee break Comp wine with dinner Comp room set up fees Comp meeting space Comp 800 and local phone calls for command center/office Comp or reduced rate for self parking

9 A negotiation check list
Miscellaneous Comp Office/Comms/Syndicate Rooms Comp breakdown charges Comp Mineral Water upgrade Meeting Space Modifications (mtg space breakdowns) Complimentary flipcharts Complimentary meeting package Complimentary use of spas, pools and other paid for leisure facilities Group meeting loyalty cards to be used for future events with the same chain What can the hotel offer in terms of discounts or savings in the city Contractual Approach Negotiate based on historical occupancy rates

10 Key Tips for negotiation
conclusions NEGOTIATION PROCESS Start the negotiation process early HISTORY TO SUPPORT YOUR POSITION Ensure that you have consumption history to support your position DON’T BE A SPICE-HOGGER! Meeting space must be in line with bedroom update GLOBAL VIEW Understand the revenue streams of the hotel and present a global view LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP Establish how a longer-term, more strategic relationship can be created SALES ACTIVITIES On-property sales staff have to demonstrate to their management their sales activities – hence a hotel’s logo on the website or in the communications campaign is valuable. Access to individual delegates as future customers important.


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