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REVIEW Numbers Listen & Repeat at

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6 REVIEW Numbers 1-100 Listen & Repeat at








14 wǒ māma nǐ bàba nǐ gēgē wǒ jiějie tā mèimei nǐ dìdì
māma de māma bàba de bàba māmā de bàba bàba de māmā māma de gēgē māma de dìdì bàba de jiě jie bàba de mèimei

15 wǒ de bàba māma tā gēgē nǐmen de mèimei tā dìdì wǒmen de jiějie

16 Tā jiějie de zhōngwén hěn hǎo
so tā (de) gēgē wǒ de hōngwén lǎoshī nǐ (de) mèimei tā māma de zhōngwén Tā jiějie de zhōngwén hěn hǎo Wǒmen de zhōngwén bù hǎo

17 Pre-Unit 3A p-29

18 Pre-Unit 3A p-29




22 马云

23 Verb: Verb + Object

24 Subject + Verb + Object


26 ___ difficult

27 Adverbs Stative Verbs = English Adjectives Subject + Adverb + Verb/Stative Verb

28 3-2-3 2-2-3

29 艾未未



32 Prepare for Test 3: ● WRITTEN – know vocabulary: ) Learn the following 9 STATIVE VERBS in Pinyin: many, few, good, busy, tired, hard/difficult, correct, big, small ) Learn the following 4 ADVERBS in Pinyin: not, also, too(much), very ) Learn the following 6 country names, nationals, and languages in Pinyin: China, Chinese (person), Chinese Language America, American (person); English ) Review the following 6 pronouns and 6 terms for family members in Pinyin: you, I/me, he/she, you (pl.), we/us, they/them Dad, Mom, Old Sister, Younger Sister, Older Brother, Younger brother ) Review the following 3 classroom phrases in Pinyin: Teacher Sun, Teacher Yu, questions

33 Prepare for Test 3 (slide 1 of 4)
WRITTEN – know vocabulary: 1) Learn the following 9 STATIVE VERBS in Pinyin: many, few, good, busy, tired, hard/difficult, correct, big, small ) Learn the following 4 ADVERBS in Pinyin: not, also, too(much), very ) Learn the following 6 country names, nationals, and languages in Pinyin: China, Chinese (person), Chinese Language America, American (person), English duō shǎo hǎo máng lèi nán duì dà xiǎo bù yě tài hěn zhōngguó zhōngguó rén zhōngwén měiguó měiguó rén yīngwén

34 Prepare for Test 3 (slide 2 of 4)
4) Review the following 6 pronouns and 6 terms for family members in Pinyin: you, I/me, he/she, you (pl.), we/us, they/them Dad, Mom, Old Sister, Younger Sister, Older Brother, Younger brother ) Review the following 5 classroom phrases in Pinyin: Teacher Sun, Teacher Yu, questions/problems, to have questions, have no nǐ wǒ tā nǐmen wǒmen tāmen bàba māmā jiě jie mèimei gēgē dìdì Sūn lǎoshī Yú lǎoshī wèntí yǒu wèntí méiyǒu

35 Prepare for Test 3 (slide 3 of 4)
Gōngkè Prepare for Test 3 (slide 3 of 4) 30% WRITTEN [Wk3-HW2] Worksheet Part of Test 3 WRITTEN EVALUATION – know sentences: Subj + Adverb + Stative V Write out [Wk3-HW2] sentences below in Pinyin; print out a hard copy to be submitted in class before test. 1. I am very tired They are not busy My teacher is very nice! Our homework(gōngkè) is also a lot (/very many)! Your Dad is not correct; her Mom is also not correct!

36 Prepare for Test 3 (slide 4 of 4 )
30% WRITTEN [Wk3-HW2] Worksheet Part of Test 3 WRITTEN EVALUATION – know sentences: Subj + Adverb + Stative V Write out [Wk3-HW2] sentences below in Pinyin; print out a hard copy to be submitted in class before test. 6. The question is too hard! 7. China is very big! 8. My Chinese language is not too good Your English is very good! 10. America has many(=very many/a lot) problems! _____________________________________________________________________________

37 Week 3 Test 3 Speaking: Extempore Assignment – complete by first listening and practice, and then record

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