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The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!

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Presentation on theme: "The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!
your first assignment in Pacific Studies Your presentation has to make an visual IMPACT

2 The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!
your first assignment in Pacific Studies Your visuals should contain ONLY KEY WORDS; not sentences (no more than 15 words per student

3 The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!
your first assignment in Pacific Studies You should have at least THREE researched details about your contribution to your presentation

4 The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!
your first assignment in Pacific Studies Your final product should create suspense and excitement about a "TOP __ LIST" of facts EVERY Asia Pac student whould know about one of our voted-most-popular themes this year

5 The Top FIVE things you should know about ______ in Asia!
your first assignment in Pacific Studies You'll have: 5 minutes to find out which them you will be researching and meet your tgroup-mates 5 x 5 minutes to use suggested links to research your theme 5x5 minutes to share what you learned with your group and divide up who will prepare which slide (or 5x3 minutes next Thursday to put the finishing touches (who speaks when, etc)

6 Asia Pacific Opening Assignment*
* for those having taken Asia Pac in the past… You're new? Refer to the 'Beginner' assignment, below... Having drawn from the bowl your chosen topic, research the links that pertain to your theme, below; accumulate ONE handwritten page (150 words, minimum) of notes on your theme, for inspection by Sokalski-sensei prepare, with your colleagues, an AUDIOVISUAL presentation (Prezzi, Powerpoint, iMovie or other screen based tech) with ONE SLIDE (image + key words) per Group Member Title Slide should read (in part): "The top ___ (3 min.) things you should know about _______ in Asia!

7 Use these links... History Religions in Asia
Central Asia:    General Asian Rulers most influential Asians Religions in Asia festivals Environment/Climate Change natural wonders crises natural disasters

8 Or these links... War/Conflict Human Rights/Social Justice
deadliest conflicts in Asia as compared to rest of world Peace activists in Asia Human Rights/Social Justice safest cities Gender Roles most influential women (among list of men) most unequal treatement of women, according to.. Technology Inventions Littérature:

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