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Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting

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1 Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting
University of Memphis Anchor Institution Initiatives David Cox Michael Howell-Moroney

2 Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting
The Memphis Challenge MHHI $36, 817 (National is $53, 046) 3rd highest poverty rate in cities with over 500k (28.3%) 2nd highest poverty rate in children under 18 (44.3%) 1st in Metro Area poverty rates in Metro Areas over 1 million Metro areas has 5th highest level of income inequality (Gini coefficient=.478)

3 Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting
University of Memphis Strategies City-Wide Initiative: Blue Print for Prosperity Partner Driven Initiative- Strengthening Communities Grant Program University Neighborhood Initiative: Neighborhood Partnerships and Police Joint Agency

4 Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting
Blueprint for Prosperity City of Memphis has one of the U.S.’s highest concentrations of poverty and economic segregation Focus of Blueprint for Prosperity is to develop and implement locally designed policies and programs to enhance wealth of targeted distressed populations Strategies for Plan are: Engage targeted populations and key stakeholders in planning and implementation processes Draw on local multidisciplinary research expertise to develop white paper on future design options Invite national review and commentary on design plans Define and refine implementation plan integrated into existing plans with responsibilities and timelines Initiate plan including 501(3)c to lead process Track impacts of the plan

5 Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting
Strengthening Communities Grant Program Key Elements of Program Greater Memphis Community Foundation and University of Memphis provide funding for grant program Grant Requirements: Proposals are developed by neighborhood groups Neighborhood recipients are the fiscal agents and control the grant funds Neighborhood group recipients select the faculty member(s) and student(s) they wish to assist on the grant Students in the University of Memphis Division of Public and Nonprofit Administration administer the grant competition Outcomes Nearly $500,000 invested in neighborhood designed projects aimed at community capacity building, heritage, community based disadvantaged youth opportunities, and inner city sustainability projects,

6 Democracy Collaborative Anchor Dashboard Learning Cohort Meeting
Neighborhood Partnerships and Police Joint Agency Grassroots Neighborhood Associations, District Development Corporation, District Business Association, Highland Area Renewal Corporation Police Joint Agency 2 Representatives from each of the 7 neighborhoods surrounding the University of Memphis Representatives from Police and each city agency Representative from involved service and advocacy agencies Meets weekly for data based strategy and operations planning Outcomes 24% Reduction of crime and 35% reduction in problem properties from in most challenged neighborhood Built environment policy changes resulting in over $125 million in private business investment in last 4 years

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