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Ask VIVA! March 15, 2017 Carrie Cooper, CWM, Steering Committee Chair

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1 Ask VIVA! March 15, 2017 Carrie Cooper, CWM, Steering Committee Chair
Sharon Gasser, JMU, Collections Committee Chair Anne Osterman, VIVA

2 VIVA Budget Update 5% reversion for FY17
5% cut for FY18 (not additional; a match to the FY17 reversion)

3 Open Textbook Network There have been 22 workshops to date with 6 more scheduled. $6,000 of the $20,000 of VIVA Central Funds allocated to support faculty reviews of OTN materials have been spent; $19,000 is committed. The Steering Committee has authorized an additional $20,000 for faculty review support for FY18 through FY21. Each institution will be allocated five faculty reviews up to 20 participating institutions per year.

4 Zepheira/Atlas Systems Linked Data Pilot
VIVA is partnering with Zepheira and Atlas Systems to conduct a Linked Data pilot. There were three webinars about the Library.Link network attended by 69 people. Pilot partners (LVA, CWM, GMU, JMU, UVA, VCU, VT, and W&L) are in the process of loading their special collections and archival materials MARC records for conversion. 

5 Zepheira/Atlas Systems Linked Data Pilot
CWM has live Linked Data!

6 New VIVA Onboarding Video
The Outreach Committee has developed a new 7 ½ minute onboarding video for new librarians and library staff.

7 New Top Ten List The Outreach Committee has also developed a Top Ten list for ways to get involved with VIVA.

8 ILL Community Forum The 2017 ILL Community Forum has been scheduled for Friday, July 14th at James Madison University. Planned topics include whole ebook lending, OCLC’s introduction of new ILL software Tipasa, marketing ILL services to the campus, and best practices for people new to ILL.

9 Collections Committee
Chair: Sharon Gasser, James Madison University ACS Model Change Cancellations RFP for Multidisciplinary Databases VIVA Collections Forum

10 ACS Model Change VIVA is downgrading its shared All Publications subscription to a Science Essentials subscription for ACS Journals. Institutions that want a larger title package (Core Plus or All Pubs) must pay additional funds starting in FY18. Institutions must select their titles for the Science Essentials or Core Plus package for 2018; VIVA Central will be in touch about this later in the year.

11 Resource Cancellations
Due to the FY17/FY18 budget cuts and expected inflation for FY18, VIVA needed to make significant cancellations. These decisions were based on VIVA’s Cancellation Guidelines, the work of the Value Metric Task Force, and standard metrics such as cost per use and levels of use across VIVA.

12 Cancellations for FY18 For FY18, VIVA is cancelling the following resources: Annual Reviews (end date July 31, 2017; perpetual access to content from ; contract cancelling for participating private institutions) FIAF (end date September 30, 2017; Pooled Funds can retain this product) Literature Online (end date July 31, 2017; Pooled Funds can retain this product)

13 Cancellations for FY18 HarpWeek Annual Access Fee (end date March 31, 2018; exploring the possibility of a cost share to retain; private Pooled Funds institutions will be affected) HighWire: Journal of Applied Physiology (end date December 31, 2017; there is no perpetual access; there were no participating private institutions) HighWire: Molecular Biology of the Cell (end date December 31, 2017; there is no perpetual access; there were no participating private institutions)

14 Cancellations for FY18 Oxford Reference Online (end date December 31, 2017; Pooled Funds product will cancel as well) Springer Computer Science Ebooks (end date December 31, 2017; perpetual access to 2005, collection years) Taylor & Francis CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics (end date January 31, 2018; public and private participants should explore a direct subscription if they would like to retain the resource)

15 Cancellation for FY19 Due to the anticipated inflationary increase for FY19, VIVA will be cancelling the following resource in FY19: APA PsycBOOKS (end date August 31, 2018; perpetual access to copyright years )

16 Taylor & Francis Evidence-Based Ebooks
The consortium had the option of choosing shared or individually-owned purchased ebooks from the T&F evidence-based plan. VIVA selected individually-owned books, in large part due to the favorable, whole ebook ILL rights. Allocations for the public institutions will be determined in the fall.

17 RFP for Multidisciplinary Databases
This RFP is underway; the current relevant contract for the EBSCOhost collection expires June 30, Please remember that you cannot discuss this RFP with any vendors while it is active. Committee members representing VIVA institutions are: Beth Blanton-Kent (UVA, Chair), Georgie Donovan (CWM), Accacia Mullen (VMI), Crystal Newell (PVCC), Shaunna Hunter (Hampden-Sydney). Quiet by Bohdan Burmich from the Noun Project

18 VIVA Collections Forum
The next Collections Forum will take place on May 19, at Virginia Commonwealth University. Planned topics include VIVA’s Value Metric Task Force, the Zepheira Pilot, E-books, Procurement and Licensing, Marketing and Outreach, Kanopy Streaming Media, Usage Statistics, and much more. The organizing committee is: Summer Durrant (UMW, Chair), Emily Altman (VCCS), Alison Armstrong (Radford), Lisa Broughman (Randolph), Ed Lener (VT), Anne Osterman (VIVA), and Rob Tench (ODU).

19 Questions?

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