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Negotiate Resource Pricing Using Data Visualization

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Presentation on theme: "Negotiate Resource Pricing Using Data Visualization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Negotiate Resource Pricing Using Data Visualization
Stephanie J. Spratt Missouri Western State University NASIG 2017 Datavi$ Negotiate Resource Pricing Using Data Visualization

2 Agenda and Goal Stress the importance of, while de-stressing the process of, negotiation Recommend data to gather Describe possible findings from library data analysis Match those findings to negotiation strategies Share examples of data visualization methods Goal: For each attendee to take away new learning that, when put to use, results in a successful negotiation on the price of a library resource.

3 Ben Fry’s 7 stages of visualizing data:
Why so wordy? Ben Fry’s 7 stages of visualizing data: Acquire Parse Filter Mine Represent Refine Interact

4 Ben Fry’s 7 stages of visualizing data:
Why so wordy? Ben Fry’s 7 stages of visualizing data: Acquire Parse Filter Mine Represent Refine Interact

5 Ben Fry’s 7 stages of visualizing data (modified):
Why so wordy? Ben Fry’s 7 stages of visualizing data (modified): Purpose Acquire Parse Filter Mine Represent Refine Interact

6 Negotiation Guidelines
Maintain confidentiality Find common ground Be prepared Know your deal breakers Be honest Show respect Tell a story

7 Useful Data to Collect Significant events for the library or institution Annual library budget (commonly split by format) Resource costs Resource usage Total spending by vendor Unique holdings by product Count of service requests to vendor

8 Calculations from Collected Data
Resource inflation by product Cost-per-use (CPU) Percent of total spending by vendor Average pay-per-view article fees Benefits of resources Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) Return on investment (ROI)

9 Begin Your Story Example library timeline provides a free timeline builder that is simple to use.

10 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase

11 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase If you can avoid cancelling, tell the vendor at what price you can afford to renew.

12 Budget Woes

13 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average

14 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Request that vendor bring price down to something closer to an average price.

15 Cost of Comparable Products

16 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average

17 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average Request that vendor reduce the percentage increase to a baseline amount.

18 Inflation of Comparable Products

19 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping

20 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Request that vendor reduce the percentage increase for the year while library increases marketing of the product.

21 Factors Affecting Resource Use
Library Vendor Patron Institution Marketing efforts Findability Content Enrollment numbers Curricular focus Platform usability Product loyalty Marketing efforts Publications

22 CPU of Comparable Products

23 Exclusive Content Comparison
Tableau Public is free and great for quickly visualizing large data sets

24 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Total spending for a vendor is higher than average

25 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Total spending for a vendor is higher than average Request that vendor provide a volume discount across all of its products for the year.

26 Total Expenditures

27 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Total spending for a vendor is higher than average CBA is steadily declining ROI is steadily declining

28 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Total spending for a vendor is higher than average CBA is steadily declining ROI is steadily declining Request that vendor reduce the price to approach a baseline CBA/ROI while library increases marketing.

29 ROI of Comparable Products

30 Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Total spending for a vendor is higher than average CBA is steadily declining ROI is steadily declining Service needs are declining

31 Request that vendor lower the service fee.
Common Scenarios Library budget decreases, while resource prices increase Cost of resource is higher than average Inflation rate is rising and/or higher than average CPU is steadily rising Usage is dropping Total spending for a vendor is higher than average CBA is steadily declining ROI is steadily declining Service needs are declining Request that vendor lower the service fee.

32 Service Needs Declining

33 Additional Strategies to Try
Reduce or lengthen the typical 12-month subscription period Changes the amount you owe for one fiscal year May extend the inflation rate beyond 12 months Request a temporary waiver of hosting fees Consolidate consortial partnerships

34 Wrapping Up Anticipate counter-offers Know your deal breakers
Inflation rate higher than your proposal Multi-year commitments Purchase or lease additional resources from the vendor Know your deal breakers Do not be afraid to cancel if you have exhausted other options Avoid hard negotiation with the same vendor year after year Secure support from your administration Document the process and outcome

35 Tools Used EBSCO Holdings Management Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point Tableau Public

36 References Bosch, S. & Henderson, K. (2017). New world, same model. Library Journal, 142(7), Brigham, T. J. (2016). Feast for the eyes: An introduction to data visualization. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 35(2), doi: / Brown, A. (2012). Assertive negotiation for librarians [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from assertivenegotiation.pdf

37 References (cont.) Dygert, C. & Barrett, H. (2016). Building your licensing and negotiation skills toolkit. The Serials Librarian, 70(1-4), doi: / X Fry, B. (2007). The seven stages of visualizing data. In Visualizing data (chapter 1). Retrieved from data/ /ch01.html Peet, L., Schwartz, M., & Enis, M. (2017). Conference catch-up: The 2017 ACRL and ER&L conferences covered trends ranging from diversity to emerging technology. Library Journal, 142(8),

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