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Update on development EBM Walnut Creek April 2017

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1 Update on development EBM Walnut Creek April 2017
IAWP Strategic Plan Update on development EBM Walnut Creek April 2017

2 Sources for development
Board meeting Denver 2015 Board meeting Abu Dhabi 2016 Board meeting Cardiff 2016 Minutes of meetings SWOT analysis Marketing Strategy Conference Review Membership Review

3 Vision & Mission Vision IAWP envisions a world where police officers reflect the diversity of the communities they serve and human rights are protected Mission To strengthen, unite and raise the capacity of women in policing internationally

4 Priority Themes (1 of 2) To be accessible
To be representative of women officers and communities To be inclusive to all A professional body Influential Of integrity Positive reputation Credibility

5 Priority Themes (2 of 2) Recognised Internationally Credible Voice
Professional competence International credibility A well established and functioning network A source for defining policy A source for informing academic research Credible Voice Stakeholder Relations An organisation sought out for partnership and collaboration

6 Development, Drive and Delivery
Continue to develop the critical themes for the Plan Develop logic frameworks to define objectives, inputs, activities and monitoring Engage with Chairs and Board members to define detail around activities (eg marketing material, membership benefits, RC reporting) Stakeholder engagement; seek their views on what our priorities should be (this includes external stakeholders as well as members) Agree reporting and review mechanisms (President and Board Members)

Statement of the problem Goal Membership of IAWP determines funding and resources to deliver the organisations objectives and to engage across the World with issues affecting women in policing To increase membership levels across all categories Objective 1: To increase levels of membership across all categories within all IAWP Regions Needs Inputs / activities Outputs Outcomes Impact To define clearly the benefits of membership Regional Coordinators to engage effectively with current members To establish an effective means for membership payments to be made internationally To report timely and accurate information on membership levels across all Regions Membership benefits Programme of activity for Regional Coordinators Timely and accurate data on recruitment and retention of members Membership registration and payment documentation which is suitable internationally Increase in members across all categories Increase in members across all Regions Marketing materials for engagement with members Performance reports Regional Coordinators report quarterly on membership progress Increased financial resource available to engage with projects Increased engagement with members across all Regions A more representative membership of women in communities Enhanced momentum for engagement and activity across the World Enhanced profile of IAWP internationally Greater productivity, influence and impact

8 Timescales Stakeholder engagement plan circulated 1st May 2017
First draft of Plan (as priorities currently defined) 1st June 2017 Feedback from all stakeholder engagement 1st June 2017 Development of Logic Frames for all priorities 30th June 2017 Updated draft and Logic Frames circulated to all Board 14th July 2017 Closing date for feedback st August 2017 Presentation to President th August 2017 Presentation to Board meeting in Cairns September 2017 Updated Plan December 2017

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