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More with Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Problem Solving Agents

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1 More with Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Problem Solving Agents

2 REVIEW - PEAS To design a rational agent, we must specify the task environment (the “problems” to which rational agents are the “solutions”). Performance measure Environment Actuators Sensors

3 Environment Types We often describe the environment based on six attributes. Fully/partially observable Deterministic/stochastic Episodic/sequential Static/dynamic Discrete/continuous Single agent/multiagent

4 Environment Types Categorization of environment tasks:
Fully/partially observable extent to which an agent’s sensors give it access to the complete state of the environment Deterministic/stochastic (also strategic) extent to which the next state of the environment is determined by the current state and the current action

5 Environment Types Categorization of environment tasks:
Episodic/sequential extent to which the agent’s experience is divided into atomic episodes Static/dynamic extent to which the environment can change while the agent is deliberating

6 Environment Types Categorization of environment tasks:
Discrete/continuous extent to which state of the environment, time, percepts and actions of the agent are expressed as a set of discrete values Single agent/multiagent



9 Environment Types The environment type largely determines the agent design The real world is (of course) partially observable, stochastic, sequential, dynamic, continuous, multi-agent

10 RoboCup “By the year 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world soccer champion team. “ ( Develop a PEAS description of the task environment for a RoboCup participant. Include a classification of the environment using R&N’s six properties of task environments.

11 So Far… Traditional AI begins with some simple premises:
An intelligent agent lives in a particular environment. An intelligent agent has goals that it wants to achieve. The environment in which an agent is expected to operate has a large effect on what sort of behaviors it will need and what we should expect it to be able to do.

12 Chapter 3 : Problem Solving by Searching
“In which we see how an agent can find a sequence of actions that achieves its goals when no single action will do.” Such agents must be able to: Formulate a goal Formulate the overall problem Find a solution

13 Recently I gave you this problem
Three missionaries and three cannibals Want to cross a river using one canoe. Canoe can hold up to two people. Can never be more cannibals than missionaries on either side of the river. Aim: To get all safely across the river without any missionaries being eaten.

14 Problem Solving Agents
Formulate goal: get everyone across the river Formulate problem: states: various combinations of people on either side of the river actions: take the canoe (with some people) across the river restrictions: certain combinations of people are “illegal” Find solution: sequence of canoe trips that get everybody (safely) across the river

15 Problem Solving Agents
Example: Traveling in Romania On holiday in Romania; currently in Arad. Flight leaves tomorrow from Bucharest

16 Problem Solving Agents
Example: Traveling in Romania On holiday in Romania; currently in Arad. Flight leaves tomorrow from Bucharest Formulate goal: be in Bucharest Formulate problem: states: various cities actions: drive between cities Find solution: sequence of cities, e.g., Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest

17 Problem Solving Agents
Formulate goal: get the set of rooms clean Formulate problem: states: various combinations of dirt and vacuum location actions: right, left, suck, no-op Find solution: sequence of actions that cause all rooms to be clean


19 Appropriate environment for Searching Agents
Observable?? Deterministic?? Episodic?? Static?? Discrete?? Agents?? Yes Either

20 Problem Types Deterministic, fully observable  single-state problem
Agent knows exactly which state it will be in Solution is a sequence Non-observable  conformant problem Agent may have no idea where it is Solution (if any) is a sequence Nondeterministic and/or partially observable  contingency problem percepts provide new information about current state solution is a tree or policy often interleave search, execution Unknown state space  exploration problem ( “online” )

21 Problem Types Example: vacuum world Start in #5. Solution??
[Right, Suck]

22 Problem Types Deterministic, fully observable  single-state problem
Agent knows exactly which state it will be in Solution is a sequence Non-observable  conformant problem Agent may have no idea where it is Solution (if any) is a sequence Nondeterministic and/or partially observable  contingency problem percepts provide new information about current state solution is a tree or policy often interleave search, execution Unknown state space  exploration problem ( “online” )

23 Problem Types Conformant, start in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} Solution??

24 Problem Types Conformant, start in {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
e.g., Right goes to {2,4,6,8}. [Right, Suck, Left, Suck]

25 Problem Types Deterministic, fully observable  single-state problem
Agent knows exactly which state it will be in Solution is a sequence Non-observable  conformant problem Agent may have no idea where it is Solution (if any) is a sequence Nondeterministic and/or partially observable  contingency problem percepts provide new information about current state solution is a tree or policy often interleave search, execution Unknown state space  exploration problem ( “online” )

26 Problem Types Contingency, start in #5
Murphy’s Law: Suck can dirty a clean carpet Local Sensing: dirt, location only. Solution?? [Right, if dirt then Suck]

27 Problem Types Deterministic, fully observable  single-state problem
Agent knows exactly which state it will be in Solution is a sequence Non-observable  conformant problem Agent may have no idea where it is Solution (if any) is a sequence Nondeterministic and/or partially observable  contingency problem percepts provide new information about current state solution is a tree or policy often interleave search, execution Unknown state space  exploration problem “online” search

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