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Event Summaries Chelyabinsk (1951,1957)

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1 Event Summaries Chelyabinsk (1951,1957)
A nuclear facility in U.S.S.R. dumped its waste in a lake with no outlet, which seemed the perfect location. Years later, however, there was a drought which exposed radioactive dust. The dust blew over a large mass of land and exposed 500,000 people to radioactive fallout. In a separate incident, a waste containment area failed and exploded. Residents were not evacuated until 10 days later in some cases, a year in others.

2 Bhopal (1984) The Union Carbide pesticide plant accidently released 30 tons of poisonous gases into the air in poverty-stricken India. The gases caused throats and eyes to burn and many deaths. Many affected the gas have had children with birth defects. Toxic material remains there today. Love Canal (1978) The Hooker Chemical company buried tons of chemical waste in a place that was originally dug out for a canal to produce electricity. Then they sold the land to the city for a dollar. Eventually, the chemicals started leaking out. They killed gardens, kids came inside with chemical burns, and children were born with birth defects. A number of people developed danger signs for cancer. However, the government reacted quickly, residents were evacuated, and a plan for detoxifying is in motion.

3 The Spectrum of Stupidity According to Emily
Event Overall Stupidity Intentions Human Death* Difficulty of Clean-Up† Cover-Up Chelyabinsk 97/100 Bhopal 88/100 Love Canal 70/100 Good Poor *Poor means a high death rate †Poor means extensive clean-up

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