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Unit 2 Project Growing Pains

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1 Unit 2 Project Growing Pains
Welcome to our class!

2 Teaching aims & demands 1
Teaching aims & demands 1.Learn the three types of growing pains and develop the students’ ability of the reading comprehension; 2.Learn some useful words and expressions and use them freely; 3.Try to overcome the growing pains and deal with the relationship between parents and their teenage children in China.

3 Lead-in 1.Do you love your parents? Do you think your parents understand you? 2.Can you describe an experience with your parents that was not pleasant?

4 This is not my hobby…

5 I am a little tired…

6 I am a little angry…

7 Oh, my God! What’s wrong…

8 Besides unpleasant experiences, what other kinds of growing pains have you experienced?
Have too much boring homework and have no time to relax. Force you to do things you don’t like Have to depend on your parents and can’t make your own choices Sometimes feel lonely and feel no one else can understand you

9 How to solve such problems?
To help us teenahgers out, let us know ourselves well by studying an article---Growing pains together.

10 Growing pains

11 Reading Skimming Read the article and find out what different kinds of growing pains are talked about in it. Kinds of growing pains: 1. physical changes 2. psychological changes 3. how to fit in society

12 Scanning Read the article again and find out : Reading
How many parts can this article be divided into? What is the main point for each part?

13 Three parts: How many parts can this article be divided into?
Part 1 (Paragraphs 1&2) Part 2 (Paragraphs 3-5) Part 3 (Paragraph 6)

14 The main point of each part:
Part 1: Many teenagers ____ _____ and are ______ ______ many changes. These changes are ____ ___adolescence. Part 2: _______changes and ___________ changes happen inside teenagers. They become ________and want to know how to___ ___ _______. Part 3: Growing pains do not____ _____. feel lonely going through part of Physical psychological confused fit in society last long

15 1. It is uncommon for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood ( )
Scanning True or false common 1. It is uncommon for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood ( ) F

16 and their voices get deeper
2.As teenagers grow,they grow taller but their voices don’t change. 3.Besides these physical changes, there come many psycgological changes. 4.Because of many psychological changes,many boys become risk-takers while girls often don’t want someone-anyone -to talk to. 5.The adolescents may want and need their parents’ love very much,but feel distant. F and their voices get deeper T \ F T

17 Read the text again and fill in the blanks
Careful reading Read the text again and fill in the blanks

18 Growing pains Physical changes
Their body develops in many ways including growing taller and voices’getting (1)__________. (2) ______ changes ·They have the feeling of (3)___________,as if nobody could understand them. ·They become (4)_________ with the changing world both inside and outside of them. ·Many boys like taking (5)_________ to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but sometimes they are not able to make good choices in their behaviour. ·Girls need someone to talk to while (6)__________ with their strong feelings. ·They struggle to be (7)___________ , and meanwhile they need their parents’love and want to be a member of the group. Comments (评论) Growing pains are a common part of (8)___________, which adults have already gone(9)_________. But the pains don’t last (10)_________ and everything turns out Ok in the end. deeper loneliness Psychological confused risks dealing independent adolescence through long

19 Useful words and expressions:
1. 感到孤独 2. 最后 3. 失控 4. 被认为是 5. 对……感到困惑 6. 经历身体上的巨大变化 feel lonely in the end out of control be thought of as become confused about go through great physical changes

20 Useful words and expressions:
7. 趋向于 8. 在这个方面 9. 努力自力更生 10. 渴望独立 11. 在平衡这些需要时有困难 tend to in this regard struggle to depend on oneself desire independence have difficulty (in) balancing these needs

21 Useful words and expressions:
12. 适应社会 13. 智慧地做出好地选择 14. 立刻,马上 15. 一天天,日复一日 16.结果是,证明是 fit in society have the wisdom to make good choices right now day by day turn out

22 Free discussion: It is not the parents’ love but the way they love us that affects the relationship between parents and children. What do you think of the statement above? State your opinions using at least 5 sentences.

23 当堂检测

24 Thanks for your listening,
see you next time!

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