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Innocent-Cooperative and Respectful

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Presentation on theme: "Innocent-Cooperative and Respectful"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innocent-Cooperative and Respectful
As the police officer is questioning you: Your responses are polite, courteous, helpful; you cooperate with the officer’s instructions in a respectful manner. Innocent-Uncooperative and Disrespectful As the officer is questioning you: Your responses are rude, you are angry that you are being questioned and you respond to the police officer’s instructions with ‘attitude’; you refuse to listen to their instructions. Innocent-Scared and Intimidated As the officer is questioning you: Your responses are quiet, you are not forth-coming with information; you respond to the officer’s instructions with hesitation and alarm.

2 Guilty-Calm and Observant As the officer is questioning you:
Your reponses are in-control, you give short, incomplete answers; you clearly do not respect the officer but do not cause problems, you hope others cause enough trouble to divert the attention off of you. Bystanders- Non-Active Jr. Police Officers(Ofc. Provides to class) As the ‘officer’ is questioning the suspects: You pay attention to the actions of all the role players; you try to guess who is the guilty one; you are able to explain your reasons for who you think is guilty.

3 Person of Interest Scenario (Teacher explains this to 4 role players)
There is a party going on at a house. The music is loud and everyone is having a good time. Then a police officer arrives at the door and scans the room and asks you and 3 other people to come outside so he can ask some questions. Junior Police Officer Scenario (Officer provides to Jr. Ofc and class) You receive a call that a male/female suspect wearing _______(fill in the blank with similar clothing worn by role players) has a weapon at a party. There is a concern for public safety. You arrive at the address given, knock on the door, you see 4 people matching the description given and ask them to step outside so you can question them further. Your goal- Find the person with the weapon and ensure public safety.

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