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KRISTINA Consortium Presented by: Mónica Domínguez (UPF-TALN)

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Presentation on theme: "KRISTINA Consortium Presented by: Mónica Domínguez (UPF-TALN)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KRISTINA Consortium Presented by: Mónica Domínguez (UPF-TALN)
Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities KRISTINA Consortium Presented by: Mónica Domínguez (UPF-TALN)

2 Contents Introduction General Architecture The Agent’s Knowledge
Embodied Conversational Agents Shortcomings KRISTINA’s Goal KRISTINA’s Characteristics General Architecture The Agent’s Knowledge Multimodal Knowledge Representation Multimedia Web Retrieval Multimodal Interaction KB Dialogue Management Multimodal Communication Analysis Multimodal Communication Generation Conclusions 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

3 1. Introduction Embodied Conversational Agents Shortcomings
KRISTINA’s Goal KRISTINA’s Characteristics

4 1.1. Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs)
Shortcomings of the state-of-the-art ECAs Do not take into account cultural idiosyncrasies Degree of politeness, directness, appearance of the agent … Are usually not multilingual Follow, as a rule, predefined dialogue strategies Are, most often, not expressive enough for interaction in social and medical care settings 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

5 1.2. KRISTINA’S Goal Migrants Elderly Intermediate Literacy Routines
06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

6 1.3. KRISTINA’S Characteristics
Multimodal understanding and interpretation of users’ concerns Ontology based reasoning techniques for dialogue planning Multimedia web content retrieval techniques for informed communication Multimodal and culturally adapted expressive communication 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

7 2. General Architecture

8 KRISTINA 2nd Plenary Meeting, Thessaloniki
Knowledge Base Targeted IR SSI ASR Facial Expr. Recognition Gesture Analysis Emotion Recognition Language Analysis Multimodal Fusion Interaction Manager (VSM) Dialogue Manager Idle Behavior Manager Multimodal Fission & Discourse Planning Facial Expr. Generation Generation Language Synthesis Recognition KB Management Generation DM KRISTINA 2nd Plenary Meeting, Thessaloniki

9 3. The Agent’s Knowledge Multimodal Knowledge Representation
Multimedia Web-Based Content Retrieval

10 3.1. Multimodal Knowledge Representation
Ontology’s Functional Design: to support the dialogue and to represent the relevant basic care and healthcare background information Models for the representation, integration and interpretation of verbal and non-verbal communication Background knowledge specific models: user profile ontologies, ontologies for modeling routines and habits related to users’ culture Existing ontologies for health-care information 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

11 3.2. Multimodal Web Retrieval
Extraction of background content from the web using: Crawling and scraping Distillation of content elements from web resources and social media (using MetaMap, 4 Babelfy and Unitex6) Social media topic detection for identification of health-related topics Indexing, search and retrieval of multimodal information from web Domain-specific query formulation for querying the indexed repository and triggering the ontology population mechanism User interaction query formulation that copes with the derivation of knowledge-driven interpretations from users' input in order to compile the appropriate reactions 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

12 KRISTINA’s Knowledge KB Websites Social media 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop
Topic detection Topic and event detection Indexing and Retrieval Indexing Indexed repository Passage retrieval Search and retrieval (texts) Query rewriting Content extraction Named Entities and concepts extraction Relation extraction Query formulation Domain-specific query formulation User interaction query formulation Web crawling & scraping Web and social media crawling Content scraping Ontology Annotation Ontology mapping KB population Knowledge Integration Inference and reasoning Response generation KB KRISTINA Ontologies Websites Social media LA and DM analysis 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

13 4. Multimodal Interaction
KB Dialogue Management Multimodal Communication Analysis Multimodal Communication Generation

14 4.1. KB Dialogue Management (I)
OwlSpeak as basic platform Divided dialogue state Domain state (handled by KB) User interaction state: incl. cultural idiosyncrasies and emotions of the user (handled by DM) DM 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

15 4.1. KB Dialogue Management (II)
Turn taking and idle behavior Visual Scene Maker as basic platform Policy-based turn taking decision making Is it appropriate to interrupt the user? How to react upon user’s attempt to barge in? Idle behavior Mimicking the user’s affective state / gestures / facial expresion 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

16 KRISTINA 2nd Plenary Meeting, Thessaloniki
Knowledge Base Targeted IR SSI ASR Facial Expr. Recognition Gesture Analysis Emotion Recognition Language Analysis Multimodal Fusion Interaction Manager (VSM) Dialogue Manager Idle Behavior Manager Multimodal Fission & Discourse Planning Facial Expr. Generation Generation Language Synthesis Recognition KB Management Generation DM KRISTINA 2nd Plenary Meeting, Thessaloniki

17 4.1. KB Dialogue Management (III)
06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

18 4.2. Multimodal Communication Analysis (Verbal I)
Speech recognition Use of Vocapia’s ASR (with statistical acoustic and language modeling) focusing on spoken material Speech prosody analysis Investigation of the correlation between prosody and Information Structure and discourse Language Analysis Surface-syntactic (LSTM-based) parsing Deep-syntactic parsing Frame semantics-based parsing Projection of frame-based structures onto ontologies 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

19 4.2. Multimodal Communication Analysis (Verbal II)
SPEECH Feature Extraction Decoder Ortographic Transcription ASR Communicative and Semantic Parser Disambiguation Dependency Parser LA Ontology FN to OWL KB 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

20 4.2. Multimodal Communication Analysis (Non-verbal)
Facial Expression Facial action units (AUs) from the Facial Action Coding System as representation AU Classification using SIFT-based features Gestures Multi-step video frame analysis Face detection / skin color detection / edge detection / hand detection / hand tracking Event-based Mode Fusion and projection into the valence-arousal space 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

21 4.3. Multimodal Communication Generation
KB OWL Dialogue Manager Mode Selection Text Generation (verbal) Expressive characters (non-verbal) KRISTINA Agent DB CoNLL history Prosody Prediction (verbal) Speech synthesis (verbal) 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

22 4.3. Multimodal Verbal Communication Generation (I)
Text generation LANGUAGE DEPENDANT OWL triples FrameNet Structure Semantic Structure Deep-Syntactic Structure Surface-Syntactic Structure Topological Structure Morphological Structure Text Language-specific Predicate-Argument Rough sentence structure Rough syntactic labels - Fine-grained syntactic labels - Grammatical words Word order Agreement resolution Inflectional forms Contractions and elisions Final forms 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

23 4.3. Multimodal Verbal Communication Generation (II)
Expressive Prosody Generation Information / discourse structure – prosody correlation 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

24 4.3. Multimodal Non-Verbal Communication Generation
Projection of the continuous valence-arousal space onto 2D gestures and facial expressions of the avatar Realistic lip-synchronization using a reduced set of commands for expressions (RSCE) 3D realization of facial expressions and lip-synchronization 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

25 5. Conclusions

26 5. Conclusions The KRISTINA technologies facilitate the conduct of socially competent emotive multilingual conversations with individuals in need of advice and support in the context of basic care and healthcare The functionality of the individual modules will incrementally grow over the next two years Test scenarios designed by experts in basic and health care will ensure a practice-oriented validation of the agent 06/06/16 MARMI Workshop

27 Thank You @MonikaUPF @projectKRISTINA

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