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American Imperialism Web Quest

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1 American Imperialism Web Quest
Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits American Imperialism Web Quest A Web Quest for Dayton Tech High School Designed by: Mr. Kenneth Kraemer

2 Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits
You have been selected to a team that is responsible for creating a presentation on American Imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The team will present their findings to the world delegates at the United Nations conference next week. With the recent discussion on modern day imperialism, in countries like Iraq, the UN is interested in learning about how the United States became an imperial country over a hundred years ago. Your role on the team is to create a brochure to give to the world delegates during the team’s presentation.

3 Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits
Step 1: Select 3 major topics to research. (next page) Step 2: Read and take notes on the major topics that will be included in your brochure. Write an informative paragraph for each topic. (next page) Step 3: From the research that you have done, answer the following questions to be included on your analysis page. What were the benefits for the United States to acquire new territory through imperialism? Why did the United States think that is was acceptable to take land away from other people? How would the United States be different today, if we had not taken these new territories? Step 4: Using Microsoft Publisher, create a 3-fold brochure including an introduction (front cover), one-page dedicated to each topic (inside pages), an analysis page, and a credits page (back). Step 5: Use your favorite search engine to find 3 pictures related to your 3 topics to be included in your brochure.

4 Resources Monroe Doctrine Boxer Rebellion Panama Canal Cuban Rebellion
Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits Resources Monroe Doctrine Boxer Rebellion Panama Canal Cuban Rebellion Spanish-American War Annexation of Hawaii Annexation of the Philippine Islands Yellow Journalism

5 Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits
Congratulations, your role is complete! You have successfully made a United States Imperialism brochure that will greatly enhance the presentation for the United Nations. United States’ Imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th century changed the way that we live, today. Through this project, you have learned some of the major topics during this time period in U.S. history.

6 Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits
10 – 8 points 7 – 5 4 – 3 2 – 0 Score Three Topics about Imperialism Students fully explain three topics in relation to American Imperialism. Students explain three topics but the descriptions lack detail and thoroughness. Students explain two topics in relation to American Imperialism. Students explain one or less topics in relation to American Imperialism. Analysis Page Answers the three questions fully and gives a detailed description. Answers the three questions but does not fully develop the answers. Answers at least two of the questions and fully develops the answers. Answers only one or none of the questions asked. Pictures, Color, and Creativity Student provides at least three pictures dealing with the three topics they have chosen. Brochure is very colorful and attractive. Student provides at least two pictures dealing with the three topics that they have chosen. Brochures is colorful but not very attractive. Student provides at least one picture dealing with the three topics that they have chosen. Brochure lacks color and creativity. Student provides no pictures and there is no color used in their brochure.    All directions followed correctly Student completes the project on time. The student used the time that they were given effectively and produced the best possible project that they are capable. Student completes the project on time. The student did not use his or her time effectively and the overall project was less then they are capable. Student does not complete the project on time. The student turns in a project that is an example of their abilities. Student does not complete the assignment on time. The student turns in a project that does not reflect the student’s ability.

7 United States’ State Department Think Quest Educational Foundation
Introduction Task Process Resources Conclusion Evaluation Credits Credits United States’ State Department Small Planet Think Quest Educational Foundation

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