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Self-Contained Endoscopic Video Camera

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Contained Endoscopic Video Camera"— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Contained Endoscopic Video Camera
Client: Robert J. Hardie, DVM Advisor: Willis Tompkins, Ph.D. Team Richard Bamberg - Team Leader Chelsea Wanta - BWIG Dustin Gardner - Communications Matt Kudek - BSAC

2 Outline Background Problem Statement Design Constraints Design Ideas
Design Matrix Future Work

3 Background Endoscopic Surgery Minimally invasive surgery
Performed through small incisions Uses rigid endoscope and long-handled instruments

4 Background (cont.) Rigid endoscopes
Series of stacked lenses within a rod Contain optical fibers for light transmission Often used in conjunction with camera system

5 Background (cont.) Limitations
Cannot evaluate conditions post-operatively without additional trauma Need anesthesia to insert and manipulate endoscope Fixed position limits field of view

6 Competition Pill Cam™ (ESO, SB, COLON) (1)
Steerable segmented endoscope Fiber optic endoscope (2) Wireless endoscopic camera Deflectable endoscope HeartLander (3) 1 article_image_large/files/articles/hiw_gutcam_485.jpg 2 proscopesystems/used-flexible-endoscopes.jpg 3 archives/img/3433TEC.jpg

7 Problem Statement Self-contained, maneuverable endoscopic video camera system Maintained internally for periodic post-operative viewing Deft orientation without compromising visual capacity Reduce invasive procedures (1 less port) For UW-Veterinary Hospital (small animals)

8 Design Specifications
The device must: • Be completely gas sterilizable • Be utilized during / following surgical procedure • Be easily withdrawn from patient • Contain light and power sources

9 Design Specifications (cont.)
The device must: • Be built within a $500 budget • Transmit data wirelessly • Capture images comparable to current laparoscopes

10 Motorized Head How It Works Rigid body with flexible tip
Camera tip adjustable from outside the body cavity Viewing angle ≥ 180°

11 Motorized Head Advantages Easy to adjust while in place
Large viewing angle Disadvantages Must be re-inserted for post-operative viewing

12 Puppeteer How It Works Flexible cords provide stability
Pulling a cord changes the viewing angle Different-sized cords allow for multiple curves

13 Puppeteer How It Works Flexible cords provide stability
Pulling a cord changes the viewing angle Different-sized cords allow for multiple curves

14 Puppeteer Advantages Able to navigate around obstructions
Easy to adjust while held in place Disadvantages Curving takes up more space Must be re-inserted for post-op viewing

15 Magnetically Coupled Resembles small dome security camera
Dome filled with an inert gas Device completely inserts into patient’s body Magnetically maneuvered outside patient’s body Can be sutured into place Store/Transmit data wirelessly Cleaning mechanism for external ‘dome’ required

16 Magnetically Coupled Advantages Disadvantages No sharp edges on device
Easy to maneuver Allows for wide viewing angle from camera Disadvantages Device may need additional support besides magnet Difficult to fit all necessary components into the dome If in place too long, too strong of a magnet could cause pain/tissue damage

17 Design Matrix Post-Operative Viewing Ability (30pts) Feasibility of Construction (25pts) Sterilization and Maintenance (25pts) Deliverability (10pts) Cost Total (100pts) Mechanical Head System 20 22 17 6 4 69 Puppeteer System 3 15 13 2 37 Magnetic Couple System 28 19 24 10 8 89

18 Future Work Final Design Mechanism: Magnetic Couple System
Sutured Camera – Dock Station Proposed Design Mechanism: Individual battery source (rechargeable) LEDs installed on camera (light source) Self-cleansing system in vivo (clear image)

19 Usability Testing Tests to run for designed mechanism:
Insertion and Extraction trials (Reliability) Maneuverability testing in vivo (Accuracy) Electronics testing (Imaging/Power source) Sterilization testing (Safety Protocol)

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