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A&P Falmouth Ltd ENERGY 09 TEAM

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Presentation on theme: "A&P Falmouth Ltd ENERGY 09 TEAM"— Presentation transcript:

1 A&P Falmouth Ltd ENERGY 09 TEAM Energy saving and environmental issues at home and work PRESENTED BY Kev Maggs & Gary Palmer on behalf of the A&P Falmouth Energy Team 1

2 What we do at A&P Falmouth ?
A&P group have 3 repair yards: Falmouth, Tees, Tyne We cover everything : Steel Repairs Engineering Electrical Painting Conversions Our yard operations are based on “Docking Days” That is we operate flat out only when we have ships in dock.

3 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Why? To date for 2008 energy is responsible for 9.05% of overhead £514,530 For 2009 it is projected to rise to £952,418 or 12.06% of overheads WHY are we reviewing energy efficiency? -because this year to date the combined cost of electricity, gas oil and fresh water has come to a cost of half a million pounds, 9% of total overheads -this cost is projected to increase to almost a million pounds or 12% of overheads for 2009. This is obviously a significant contribution to overheads, and one with room for improvement

4 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
What? A target has been set for a reduction in energy use of 10% month on month for the year 2010 against This is a combined weighted total that includes fuel oil and water as well as electricity The target has to be meaningful to enable it to be:- Measured, Monitored & Managed (3M’s) The target is best compared against amount of work undertaken (Docking Days plus Establishment Days) WHAT is our aim?: -the company has set a target of a 10% reduction. But 10% of what? for the target to be meaningful we need to be able to measure monitor and manage it. We couldn’t base it solely on cost as cost is an external factor we have little control over. It had to relate to work undertaken, we compared KWh to hours worked but the correlation was weak. 4

5 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Docking Days Initial energy usage was monitored and assessed: However electrical consumption to docking days was found to correlate well. There is possibly some effect from the weather however

6 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Docking Days Docking days also correlated well with water use as expected. The next step will be to calculate water usage used solely in operations excluding exports. The recording of gas oil is not as well monitored as for electricity and water however that information will be collated before the end of next month.

7 A&P PERFORMANCE 2009 You can see as soon as our first energy saving measures came online our energy usage dropped as a result.

8 A&P PERFORMANCE 2010 And is continuing to do so at 12.5% lower than our target. However, these savings will get harder to achieve as we put more saving schemes into operation.

9 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
How? We are going to achieve the targets. By implementing the: Energy Policy Energy Action Plan

10 SOME OF THE PROJECTS Voltis smart voltage optimisation
Yard Compressed Air System Fitting shop wash-up lighting No 4 Pump Room Salt water & Ballast Pump c/w VSC (variable speed controller) No 2 Dock Pump room G/S pump VSC MoD Store (Old garage) Lighting Toilet Cistern Water Bags (FREE) Employee Awareness Best ideas reward scheme Voltis smart voltage optimisation The next steps What comes after all the easy steps have been taken? How to build on the initial savings? Toilet bags save 1Lt per flush and are free Voltis system – quote £500,000 for the docks Claim to save up to 20%

11 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
A&P Falmouth’s Energy Action Plan: Finalise plan for increasing energy awareness within employees Designed by Kate Pearson:

12 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth

13 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Designed by Kate Pearson:

14 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
Agree and approve A&P Falmouth's Energy Action Plan and Policy Provide directorial responsibility and support to the Energy 09 team. Commit to continuously review and improve energy efficiency within A&P Falmouth SLIDE 19 PRESENTATION REVIEW OVER VIEW

15 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
The improvements we have made are having an effect. A&P Falmouth Electricity consumption for the first 4 months of 2010 was 12.5% lower than the same period for We are looking at further investment in new technology to continue this trend but there is only so much that can be achieved through improvements in infrastructure. We need to engage all of our employees to help change the culture within the yard. If everyone turned off unneeded lighting, heating and equipment, fixed leaks in compressed air and water lines and encouraged their colleagues to do likewise it really would make a difference. SLIDE 20 THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS

16 Energy Efficiency at A&P Falmouth
We have set up energy awareness sessions with the help of : South West TUC Green Workplaces Low Carbon Cornwall With the help of Keith Hatch. Low Carbon Cornwall (Cornwall Development Company) and is a part of Cornwall County Council. Now we running our own energy awareness sessions tailored to A&P Falmouth Looking in to car share with rewards e.g. Car parking Keeping workforce updated. And tailored them to suit A&P Falmouth

17 Energy Awareness Sessions
Go ahead for a further 100 employees by Christmas.




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