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Federal money for Public Library Telecommunications

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Presentation on theme: "Federal money for Public Library Telecommunications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal money for Public Library Telecommunications
E-rate and Libraries Federal money for Public Library Telecommunications





6 Search Local Providers

7 Speed test! We need more speed!

8 Show me the money!

9 School District Discount Breakdown for Iowa 2008-09

10 E-rate Percentage Discount for a Public Library in Iowa > 50%

11 Process Flow Chart chart.pdf

12 DON’T PANIC! It’s not so bad!

13 E-rate Hints Three forms (470, 471,486) Three Hours
Think like of E-rate like a Grant Planning early can save headaches later Start up costs, filtering, tech planning Fall, Winter, Spring schedule. Track your application on line Paper trail for five years

14 Eleven Step Process.

15 Step 1: Determine Eligibility

16 Step 2 : Develop a Tech Plan
Want Internet funds? You need a tech plan. Contact the state library Plans last three years Plans are good for more than just E-rate Tech Atlas

17 Step 3 and 4: Bidding Process
Form 470 Fill out form and then wait 28 days Weigh all bids with cost as deciding factor. You might only get one bid Keep all records of bidding process.

18 Step 5 : Determine Discount
National School Lunch Program Discount based on School District State Library posts discount chart Alternative methods

19 Step 6: Eligible Services
Connections Only! Telephone, Basic and long distance. Internet Access Internal networking NOT: Routers, Hardware, Filters, Printers, ETC.

20 Step 7: Submit your Application
Form 471 Application process begins Hard Deadline sometime in Jan. or Feb.

21 Step 8 and 9: USAC review USAC processes form
Keep all letters from USAC Respond to requests for information Track progress online GOAL: Funding Commitment Decision Letter.

22 Step 10 and 11: Invoice USAC Form 486 (Easiest form!)
Start of Services releases money Attest to CIPA filter on PAC computers 120 days from start of service Provider discount OR Direct Payments SPI: Service provider invoice Form 474 (Majority of Libraries use this method) Bear: Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Form 472

23 You’ve done it!!

24 E-rate Under Review! Elimination of Tech Plans Multi year applications
Rule changes from Federal Communications Commission Elimination of Tech Plans Multi year applications Simplification of filtering language Updating the speed of the process Focus on broadband over phone

25 Public Library Discounts
Four resources to remember

26 Western States Computing Alliance


28 Iowa Educator’s Consortium

29 IEC Partners

30 Iowa Community Foundations

31 Questions? 1-800-248-4483
Town Meetings 2010

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