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Welcome 6th grade Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 6th grade Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 6th grade Parents
Forest Heights STEM Academy 6th Grade Team June 4, 2015

2 This is the most efficient way of communication!
6th Grade Team English: Mario Tims Math: Chanda Freeman Science: Tranice Johnson Social Studies: Gaibrielle Hoffman This is the most efficient way of communication!

3 Transition to MS Major Differences: How you can help:
8 different teachers/classes Homework is graded Outside of class work required: Projects Assignments (especially PAP) Technology use Late work not accepted Lockers How you can help: Look at Agenda book DAILY Provide a study location FREE from distractions (TV, cell phone, siblings, etc.) Make sure student has needed supplies at study location Check Edline (at least weekly) Parent Notifications are on the FHSA website. If there are other significant notifications, notes will be sent home.

4 General Supplies needed for ALL classes
Agenda Book Flashdrive (at least 8GB) Pencils Pencil sharpener with shaving catcher Cap erasers Students are expected to have these materials with them in every class, every day.

5 Community Supplies these will be collected and used for all classes
2 pack Kleenex Hand Sanitizer Set of Color Pencils 4 pack scotch tape Clorox wipes One ream of color paper (bright colors work best: pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, etc.) If your last name starts with: A-G turn in supplies to Ms. Freeman H-M turn in supplies to Mr. Tims N-S turn in supplies to Mrs. Hoffman T-Z turn in supplies to Mrs. Johnson

6 Course Supply List ENGLISH – Mr. Tims Social Studies – Mrs. Hoffman
Glue sticks 2- 70p college ruled spiral notebooks Scissors Social Studies – Mrs. Hoffman 2- 70p college ruled spiral notebooks

7 Course Supply List Math – Ms. Freeman Science – Mrs. Johnson
2- 100p composition books Red & color pens Dry Erase marker (any color; for students) Paper towels (eraser for student-dry erase) Index cards Science – Mrs. Johnson 2 composition books 2 spiral notebooks Color pens Books Gifted Hands by Ben Carson Hoot by Carl Hiaasen Holes by Louis Sachar The Cay by Theodore Taylor

8 Agenda Books REQUIRED for all 6th graders Organization skills
Time Management Skills Communication component between parents/teachers Back

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