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Welcome Back! Please read our information sheet carefully to find out what is going on in your child’s class for this half term. The team for Green Class:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Please read our information sheet carefully to find out what is going on in your child’s class for this half term. The team for Green Class:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Please read our information sheet carefully to find out what is going on in your child’s class for this half term. The team for Green Class: Miss Harley, Mr Olokun and Mrs Mburu. GREEN CLASS ASSEMBLY We enjoy assemblies every day and this half-term’s theme Living Our Values. We will have an Awards Assembly every Friday at 2:55pm! Please come and join us to celebrate our learning across the school and other achievements. OUR NEW TOPIC Our topic for this term is Paintings, Pictures and Photographs. We’ll be learning about how artists used different materials and techniques for their work, how light, dark and shadows can be created, and how to appreciate and interpret the work of others. Perhaps you could visit an art gallery with your child! P.E. We are very lucky to have Tottenham Hotspur Foundation to run P.E. sessions for all children this year. They will also have a P.E. session taught by their class teacher. P.E. days are: Tuesday & Friday HOMEWORK Homework will be at least 10 spellings (with a test on Fridays), a Literacy task and a Maths task. All homework across the school will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned by Wednesday. READING Your child will read to an adult at least once a week at school. Please read to and with your child at least twice a week. Use the yellow reading record to note any comments about how your child has read. 3 reading books are sent home each week and books are changed once a week. Key Websites RE This half term our topic is Hindu Beliefs. We are learning to understand the significance of the River Ganges both for a Hindu and non- Hindu.

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