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"Texas" PMT Update Engineering of Prototype 11" HQE PMT's completed

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1 "Texas" PMT Update Engineering of Prototype 11" HQE PMT's completed
First five prototypes delivered to Penn and started testing! Fifteen more still to come These are for QE and electronics performance testing. Not "fully functional", i.e. with low activity glass made for water immersion.

2 First 20 PMT's made in U.K. This development has been funded by NSF – will end March (after all20 PMT's delivered and tested) existing PMT products Production would be in Sweetwater, TX, Home of Ludlum, Eljen, ADIT


4 Making "Borexino" PMT's

5 Bulb FEA: Input Parameters
1. Bulb FEA: 1st Principal Stress Bulb FEA: Input Parameters Glass 8250 & 8246 Young’s Modulus 70 GPa Poisson’s ratio 0.21 Pressure Difference Inside / Outside 11 bar

6 First 11" ETEL/ADIT PMT envelopes
prior to glass finishing

7 with 11 bar design pressure
3. D784KFLB – Glass options with 11 bar design pressure Schott 8246 Concentration Natural potassium 60 ppm Thorium 30 ppb Uranium what is the requirement for ID and OD? *Estimated Gamma emission > 0.1 MeV Glass thickness Expected mass (g) Gamma rate (Bq)* (60ppm K, 30ppb Th, 30ppb U) Maximum 2,218 3.2 ± 1.7 Minimum 1,482 2.2 ± 1.1 11 Bar 4 Bar What is the nominal design pressure for Hyper-K?


9 Preliminary results: QE of first 3 PMT's

10 3. From review with Schott - Mainz, Nov 2013
Not for Distribution related to WATCHMAN schedule

11 Conclusions ADIT production capacity can easily handle requirements of ~5,000 11" PMT's. They also can do potting. Could they do more? Use of domestic PMT's for WATCHMAN desirable for many reasons. Also good for field in general. I think we should invest the ~10% of our R&D budget required to make this go forward in FY15 to "fully functional" stage.

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