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Elements Isotopes and Ions

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1 Elements Isotopes and Ions

2 Current atomic model An atom is mostly empty space surrounding a tiny nucleus Nucleus contains protons (positively charged particles) and neutrons (particles with no charge) An electron is a negatively charged particle that moves in the space surrounding the nucleus

3 Elements Elements are pure substances made from atoms that all have the same number of protons Number of protons in the atom of an element is the element’s atomic number

4 Atomic number and the periodic table
How can you find out how many protons an element has if you don’t know the atomic number? You use the periodic table of elements. How to solve for protons? Atomic number = # of protons

5 Finding the number of electrons
Atoms have no overall electrical charge There must be a balance between the positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons # of protons = # of electrons

6 Atomic mass and mass number
Atomic mass is the weighted average mass of the mixture of the element’s isotopes. Each proton has a mass of 1 amu Each neutron has a mass of 1 amu Electrons are so small that they have a mass unit of almost zero Mass number is the sum of the number of protons and neutrons You can find the number by rounding the atomic mass Protons + Neutrons = mass number

7 Finding the number of neutrons
You round the atomic mass and subtract the atomic number to solve for the number of neutrons

8 Isotopes – Different numbers of neutrons
The nucleus contains protons and neutrons Atoms of the same element ALWAYS have the same number of protons… However, atoms of the same elements SOMETIMES have different number of neutrons These are called ISOTOPES

9 Isotopes Isotopes – atoms that have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons Each element has a limited number of isotopes that occur naturally Some can be radioactive (pg 199)

10 Using Isotopes Radioactive isotopes have unstable nuclei that break down and release particles, radiation and energy This can be used for dating bones, determining ages of rocks and fossils, diagnose and treat many medical conditions

11 Ions – gaining or losing electrons
Atoms are neutral because the number of protons (+) and electrons (-) are equal However, atoms can lose or gain electrons This means the atom is no longer neutral and has become an ion Ion is an atom that has gained or lost electrons

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