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Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Jones Motor Group Web Services Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Welcome! This presentation will guide you through entering load postings and dispatching loads from the Jones Motor Group website. There is no software to install and info is “real-time” The main dispatching menu is viewed when authorized users are logged in to our “Web Services” secure area. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Login to the Website Go to our home page:
Click on “Login” in the upper right corner Enter your user name and password EX: agent123 Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Web Services At the “Web Services” main menu there are several options. Each menu item will also contain navigation buttons. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Web Services Main Menu Loads
Posting Board- Create, edit, or view load postings Loads- Create, edit or view loads Load Assignment- Dispatch loads Inbound Trucks / Broker Inbound Trucks –Inbound truck reports and search Load Tracking- Track load progress Rate Conf – Print rate confirmations Run Miles – Calculate mileage Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Posting Board Load Postings are listed
Click on the field names to sort the list To CREATE a posting, click “Add A Posting” To EDIT a posting, double click the posting or fill in the posting ID and click submit To DELETE a posting, enter the posting ID next to the “Delete Posting” button and then click “Delete Posting” Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Add a Load Posting Fill in the boxes with posting information
Bold items are required Postings must be updated regularly. If the load is covered, create a load and dispatch it from the posting. If the load is no longer available, delete it If the load is good for the next day, the date(s) must be edited with a new date(s) Postings are deleted daily at 11am EST-unless you update the pickup/delivery date Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Load Posting Agent Code
Posting Co-choose JMC or HOT, JEX Agent# - Enter your agent pay code. EX: 123J for Jones Motor, or 123JM for Jones Brokerage Bill-To is not needed when posting freight NOTE: If you would like drivers to see the rate, answer YES to “Viewable by Contractor” Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Load Posting STOP OFFS To add a STOP-OFF or PICKUP click the “New Stop” button and add information for each stop. Bold items are required Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Find Miles Once the shipper, consignee and stop-offs/pickups have been entered, click the “Find Miles” button. The Billing Miles will automatically calculate and fill in on the screen. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Other Charges To add Other Charges (EX: Fuel Surcharge), click the “New Charge” button for each one. Select the Other Charge code, Unit(s) and rate for the charge. The Freight total will automatically calculate Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Completing the Load Posting
When the information is complete, click the “Submit this Request” button. The load will now be entered as a posting. The system will assign a Posting number and the information will display here to allow edit as well as on our website for our drivers to view. Return to the Web Services Menu Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Delete a Load Posting There are 3 ways to remove a posting:
Create a load from the posting when it is covered. From the “Choose Posting” screen, enter the Posting ID in the box and click “Delete Posting”. 3. Double click the posting and when viewing it, click the “Delete This Posting” button. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Create a Load from a Posting
When a Posting is covered, create a load for billing & dispatch purposes: From the Posting Board, edit the posting. Click the button “Create a Load from this Posting” The system will display the information about to be created as a load . If all info is correct, click “Submit”. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Create a Load from a Posting
The posting info will fill in as part of the load billing info. Complete the rest: EX:Shipper/Cons names, street address, Bill-To Bold items are required. Click “Submit this Request” when finished. System will assign a pro/load number and display load info. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Dispatch an Available Load
Once a load is created, a driver/carrier can now be dispatched. Click “Load Assignment” from the Loads menu or “Dispatch this Load” from the Create/Edit Load page Enter the Driver or Carrier Code & click “Submit”. If the code is not known, search by clicking “Drivers” or “Carriers” button Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Search for Code If the driver number or carrier code or shipper or bill-to code is not known, click the button next to these boxes A screen will open displaying codes to choose from. Click on the first letter of the name to narrow the search or Click on the code to select it for use. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Dispatch a DRIVER If dispatching a driver, the system will display equipment used from previous load. Click “Submit” if it is correct or “Change” to change the driver, tractor or trailer number. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Dispatch a CARRIER If a carrier is dispatched, after the code is entered, fill in the Carrier Pay Enter any Comments for the Carrier EX: regarding check calls, tarping, etc. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Rate Confirmations Click the button for either CUSTOMER or CARRIER Rate Confirmation sheet The rate confirmation will display rate information pertaining to the customer or carrier It can then be printed –Click File, Print Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Create/Edit a Load Click the field to sort the list
To CREATE a load, click “Add a Load” Fill in the fields with the load information similar to adding a load posting To EDIT a load, double click the load from the list or fill in the Load Number and click submit Back to Web Dispatch Menu
What is a Manifest A Manifest is created when a driver combines LTL shipments on his truck A separate load is created for each customer’s billing One manifest is created that shows how the truck moved to each shipper/consignee location for each of the loads on the truck. Loads from the same or different agents can be combined on a Manifest Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Manifest Steps Book and dispatch a driver onto a load
When a second load will be added to a drivers current load, Create the second load for billing purposes Create a Manifest for the driver’s current load Add the second load to the manifest Sequence the stops on the manifest The driver is now dispatched on a manifest containing multiple billing loads or LTL’s Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Create a Manifest From the main menu, choose Loads
Double click the load or fill in the load number you want on a manifest After the load is displayed, click the Make Manifest button Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Create or Add to a Manifest
Choose Create a Manifest or Add to an Existing Manifest If adding, enter the Manifest # and then click “Submit” Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Show Order Manifest After creating or adding a load to a manifest, or when editing a load on a manifest, the Show Order Manifest box will be displayed You can click on the buttons to edit the route, set SO/PU dates and times, or drop the load from the manifest Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Edit Route for Manifest
To rearrange the order of the trip, change the sequence numbers next to the stop offs and pickups. Then click “Submit” **NOTE** zero is always the first pick-up Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Set SO/PU Date/Time Change the date and time of the pickups and stop offs of the manifest and click submit Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Drop Load from LTL If a load needs to be removed from a Manifest, it must be dropped. To drop a load from a manifest, select the load you want to remove from the manifest. Then click “Submit”. This will remove the load from the manifest and create a new move that can be voided or re-dispatched. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Cancel Driver/Carrier
If editing a load that is in progress or delivered, there will be a “Cancel Driver/Carrier’ button at the top. Click this button to remove the driver, tractor & trailer or the carrier from the load. The driver, tractor and trailer will be put back on their previous load. The load status will be set back to available and you will be able to dispatch it again. You cannot cancel a load that is available or that has been billed or paid. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Void This Load When editing a load this button will appear at the top.
If you click this button and the load is dispatched, it will first be cancelled as in the previous slide. The load status will be set to a ‘V’ to indicate that it was been voided. You cannot void a load that has been billed or paid. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
View a Load To view load information for a specific load number, click “Loads” on the View menu Enter the load number and click “Submit” The information will display and can be printed. A load can NOT be changed after it’s been billed. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Run Miles To calculate Rand McNally mileage between points, click “Run Miles” Enter City & State Click “New Leg” to enter additional points When complete, click “Calculate Miles” Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Mileage Display Shortest and Practical miles will display
If there are multiple cities in a state, you will be prompted to choose the correct city, state, county. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Viewing Screens Choose VIEW of Drivers, Tractors, Trailers, Carriers and Customers Enter the Number or click on the button to search Click on the Code to choose a specific item Then click “SUBMIT” The information will display Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Driver Display Sample Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Report Menu Several reports are available
They can be viewed on-screen or ed to yourself in PDF format. To the report, enter your address and the & attachment will be sent. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Reporting From the Reporting menu, choose a Report
Enter prompt information (EX: Date range, etc) Click “Run Report” Wait while report is generated and displays in your screen. Next are the report samples & descriptions Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Load Revenue Enter a Ship or Billing Date range
Report will list loads Shipped or Billed in the time frame and show revenue. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Tractor Location Report
Quick report to show where tractors are to aid with covering loads. Run report for one or all tractors For any state, zone or fleet Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Brokerage Agent Pay Calculator
Select your pay code and enter a revenue amount. The system will show a commission calculation breakdown to assist with determining best carrier pay amount. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Brokerage Revenue Rpt Billed or Dispatched date range
One or all Shipper(s) or Customer(s) Detailed or Summary of Load information Sort options of date, origin or destination Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Percentage Carrier Revenue
Enter a Billed or Dispatch date range For one or all carriers In detail or summary NOTE: if Agent Commission shows zero, the load may not have been paid out yet. Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Agent Aged A/R Great way to track aging for your customers.
Several options for date range Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Unbilled Loads Report Listing of Loads booked but not billed. Billing occurs when paperwork is received (EX: POD) Ship date or Delivery date range All loads or specific status (EX: Available, In Progress, Delivered) Through a specific Cut-Off date Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Customer Revenue Report
Run Customer Revenue by: Billed or Dispatch date range For one or all Customers Detail or Summary By company where load was booked (EX: JMC or HOT) Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Deductions History Report
Run Deduction History Report: Date range – display a history of deductions for the given data range Back to Web Dispatch Menu
Monday-Friday 8 am- 5 pm EST
Congratulations! You have completed the training instructions. If you have any questions or problems or would like assistance, please call: Jones Motor Support extension 7405 Monday-Friday 8 am- 5 pm EST Back to Web Dispatch Menu
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