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Chemotherapeutics agents

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1 Chemotherapeutics agents
Principles of antimicrobial therapy

2 Selection of the antimicrbial
Characterizing the organism is central to selection of the proper drug. Empiric therapy prior to identification of the organism Determining antimicrobial susceptibility of infective organisms

3 Selection of the antimicrbial
Bacteriostatic versus bactericidal drugs: Antimicrobial drugs are classified as either bacteriostatic or bactericidal.

4 Selection of the antimicrbial
Bacteriostatic drugs : arrest the growth and replication of bacteria at serum (or urine) levels achievable in the patient, thus limiting the spread of infection until the immune system attacks, immobilizes, and eliminates the pathogen. If the drug is removed before the immune system has scavenged the organisms, enough viable organisms may remain to begin a second cycle of infection

5 Bactericidal drugs kill bacteria at drug serum levels achievable in the patient. Because of their more aggressive antimicrobial action, bactericidal agents are often the drugs of choice in seriously ill and immunocompromised patients.

6 Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC):
is the lowest antimicrobial concentration that prevents visible growth of an organism after 24 hours of incubation. This serves as a quantitative measure of in vitro susceptibility and is commonly used in practice to streamline therapy.

7 Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC): is the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agent that results in a 99.9% decline in colony count after overnight broth dilution incubations


9 Time course of drug concentration with irregular intake

10 Superinfection When administration of antibiotics kills off the normal flora, pathogenic drug-resistant organisms can increase due to the absence of competition. This is considered a superinfection (i.e., an infection on top of another infection). For example, administration of antibiotics can lead to the overgrowth of the gastrointestinal pathogen Clostridium difficile, which is resistant to most antibiotics. C. difficile can cause diarrhea and life-threatening bowel inflammation.

11 Superinfection Another example is the administration of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs can select for the overgrowth of fungi, most commonly yeasts of the genus Candida. So, the most narrow-spectrum agents appropriate to the infection should be administered .

12 Antibiotic Misuse Taking antibiotics when they are not needed:
for viral infections When needed, taking antibiotics incorrectly: stopping the medicine when you feel better - not finishing the prescription saving antibiotics for a future illness sharing or using someone else’s medicine

13 Therapies Prophylaxis Empirical Definite therapy Post-treatment suppression therapy.

14 Effect of the site of infection on therapy: the blood–brain barrier:
Lipid solubility of the drug: Molecular weight of the drug: Protein binding of the drug:

15 Patient factors: Immune system: Elimination of infecting organisms from the body depends on an intact immune system, and the host defense system must ultimately eliminate the invading organisms. Alcoholism, diabetes, HIV infection, malnutrition, autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, or advanced age can affect a patient’s immunocompetence.

16 2. Renal dysfunction: Poor kidney function may cause accumulation of certain antibiotics. Dosage adjustment prevents drug accumulation and therefore adverse effects. Serum creatinine levels are frequently used as an index of renal function for adjustment of drug regimens.

17 3.Hepatic dysfunction: Antibiotics that are concentrated or eliminated by the liver (for example, erythromycin and doxycycline) must be used with caution when treating patients with liver dysfunction

18 3.Poor perfusion: Decreased circulation to an anatomic area, such as the lower limbs of a diabetic patient, reduces the amount of antibiotic that reaches that area, making these infections difficult to treat.

19 5. Age: Renal or hepatic elimination processes are often poorly developed in newborns, making neonates particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of chloramphenicol and sulfonamides.

20 6. Pregnancy and lactation:
Many antibiotics cross the placental barrier or enter the nursing infant via the breast milk.


22 7.Risk factors for multidrug-resistant organisms:
Infections with multidrug-resistant pathogens need broader antibiotic coverage when initiating empiric therapy. Common risk factors for infection with these pathogens include prior antimicrobial therapy in the preceding 90 days hospitalization for greater than 2 days within the preceding 90 days current hospitalization exceeding 5 days,

23 Safety of the agent Cost of therapy

24 Chemotherapeutic spectra
Narrow-spectrum antibiotics Chemotherapeutic agents acting only on a single or a limited group of microorganisms are said to have a narrow spectrum. For example, isoniazid is active only against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

25 Extended-spectrum antibiotics
Extended spectrum is the term applied to antibiotics that are modified to be effective against gram-positive organisms and also against a significant number of gram-negative bacteria. For example, ampicillin is considered to have an extended spectrum because it acts against gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria.

26 Broad-spectrum antibiotics
Drugs such as tetracycline, fluoroquinolones and carbapenems affect a wide variety of microbial species and are referred to a broad-spectrum antibiotics. Administration of broadspectrum antibiotics can drastically alter the nature of the normal bacterial flora and precipitate a superinfection.

27 Bacterial resistance mechanisms
The spontaneous rate of mutation in bacteria is very low; about 1 in 10 million cells per division will be a mutant. The clinical difficulty arises when the infecting bacteria are already drug resistant. The four main mechanisms of resistance include: A. Production of an enzyme that inactivates the drug B. Mutations in the target macromolecule (Receptors) C. Induction of mechanisms to reduce accumulation of the drug D. Multiple drug resistance involving all these mechanisms

28 Main Molecular Targets

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