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Global Winds.

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1 Global Winds


3 The Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters!

4 The underlying cause of wind is unequal heating of the earth's surface
The underlying cause of wind is unequal heating of the earth's surface. Winds move from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. Since the sun is more intense over the equator, the air at the equator rises. If the earth didn't rotate, the air would move strictly from the poles to the equator.

5 Non-rotating Earth:

6 Since the Earth rotates so fast It creates the Coriolis effect.
The coriolis Effect, bends the winds and ocean currents to the right or clockwise in the No. Hemisphere.

7 Along the equator and 5o No. & So
Along the equator and 5o No. & So., where the hottest air is converging & rising, the winds are at their weakest.

8 This area is known as, the InterTropical Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) or the Doldrums.

9 This rising air comprises one segment of a circulation pattern called the Hadley Cell. The Hadley cell rises (low pressure) at the equator and sinks (high pressure) at the 30o N. & S. latitude.


11 This is a high pressure area.
Within this subtropical high, the pressure gradient between the high at 30oNo. and the low over the equator, creates the northeast trade winds. This is a high pressure area.


13 At 30°No. the air moving away from the high at 30° moving to the north, forms the Prevailing South Westerlies. These winds Effect the United States.


15 There is a high pressure area at the poles which pushes the Polar Northeasterlies towards the low pressure region at the 60° N


17 Winds are named from the direction in which they come from
Winds are named from the direction in which they come from. And move from high pressure regions to low pressure regions.


19 Brain Teaser:

20 The black horse jumped on the white castle and the white castle disappeared. How is this possible?

21 If you combine the Coriolis Effect with the uneven heating of Earth, a global wind pattern begins to emerge and take shape. These Global Winds are the dominant prevailing wind patterns that blow in a fairly constant, steady direction across our earth. Global winds are comprised of three previaling winds: Tradewinds, Westerlies, and Polar Easterlies. A prevailling wind is defined as a wind that blows predominantly from a single general direction.(). Global Wind Patterns are important because they distribute and circulate heat from the equatorial regions to the polar regions by convection. Think of these winds as the Earth's heating and air conditioning system. Notice these winds become deflected and appear to "curve" as a result of the Coriolis Effect. In the diagram below, notice the location direction of the Tradewinds, Westerlies, and Easterlies

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