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America Claims an Empire

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1 America Claims an Empire
Chapter 20 – section 1 America Claims an Empire

2 Trade in Japan? This was a dream of American merchants for hundreds of years Japan was not interested, they would not allow it or anyone from their country to leave! Wanted to be left alone.

3 Trade with Japan? In 1853 that all changes
The Japanese see Perry’s fleet as both intriguing and intimidating As a result of those two reasons, in 1854 Commodore Perry returns and the Japanese are ready to sign a trade agreement Click here to see a brief video on this topic

4 What would you do? How would you have responded if you were Japan?
Why? What are other choices that could have been made?

5 The Story with Alaska $7,200,000 for a frozen wasteland?
2 ¢ an acre in 1867 Seward sees it as a stepping stone for trade with Asia and the Pacific Critics call Seward and idiot! Gold found in ! Later oil found! Turns out to be a brilliant decision Click here to a brief video on this topic

6 Imperialism and America
Roots of American Imperialism Economic roots Industrial overproduction in the US led to the view that country’s factories needed raw material from abroad and that surplus US products needed to be sold in new markets

7 Imperialism and America
Roots of American Imperialism Political and military roots The global military expansion of European powers led to a US desire to do the same

8 Imperialism and America
Admiral Mahan’s urge Develop a modern fleet to protect US shipping; establish naval bases in the Caribbean; construct a canal across the Isthmus of Panama; acquire Hawaii and other Pacific Islands

9 Imperialism and America
Anti-imperialist cartoon Roots of American Imperialism Racist roots Belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Anglo-Saxons led many to claim the US had a responsibility to expand and spread Christianity and civilization or our ways aka “Manifest Destiny”

10 The US Takes Hawaii

11 Imperialism and America
US Imperialism in Hawaii 1875: A treaty allows Hawaiian sugar to be sold in the US duty-free 1887: American business leaders force the kind to change Hawaii’s constitution so that only wealthy landowners have voting rights; the US forces Hawaii to allow an American naval base at Pearl Harbor 1890: The McKinley Tariff eliminates the duty-free status of Hawaiian sugar 1891: Liliuokalani becomes Queen of Hawaii 1893: Queen L. overthrown and a provisional government established by American businessmen with the help of the US ambassador1894: The Republic of Hawaii formally recognized by the US 1897: McKinley, who favors annexation, becomes US president 1898: Congress proclaims Hawaii an American territory Click here to see a brief video on this topic

12 Acquiring New Lands China 1900 Relationship to US: “trading partner”
Control Affairs: to establish and protect new markets in China Laws and policies: Open Door Policy; imperialist policies Violent events: Boxer Rebellion Open Door Video

13 Acquiring New Lands Beliefs for Open Door Policy
To open the door or not open the door, that is the question Beliefs for Open Door Policy US economy relied on exports to ensure growth US had the right to intervene abroad to keep foreign markets open to it US survival was threatened by the closing of an area to American products, citizens, or ideas

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