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The Power of Disruption through Collaboration

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Disruption through Collaboration"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Disruption through Collaboration
Overcoming Racism Mason Fong, Dr. Jean Lubke, Karin Swainey October 29, 2016

2 Agenda Introductions What does it mean to disrupt racism?
How does Equity Alliance MN disrupt racism through collaboration? With whom can you collaborate to disrupt racism in your area?

3 Introductions Dr. Jean Lubke, Executive Director
Karin Swainey, Equity and Integration Consultant, AVID & Student Programming Mason Fong, Achievement and Integration Student Program Coordinator

4 Who’s Here? Name Organization What’s the focus of your work?

5 Disruption to destroy, usually temporarily, the normal continuance or unity of; to interrupt to radically change (an industry, business strategy, etc.), as by introducing a new product or service that creates a new market

6 Disrupt Racism in PK-12 Education
to destroy, usually temporarily, the normal continuance or unity of; to interrupt to examine policies, procedures that exclude to examine curriculum, access, pedagogy to understand personal bias in decision making to radically change (an industry, business strategy, etc.), as by introducing a new product or service that creates a new market to provide services to alter schedules to establish new priorities

7 Disrupting Racism in Our Work
What does disrupting look like in our work? Raising questions Challenging priorities Raising awareness of status quo and internalized bias Identifying practices and policies that aren’t equitable Expanding curricular knowledge Deepening skills and strategies of culturally responsive pedagogy Youth development

8 Disrupting Racism in Our Collaborative
Learn from one another What’s working? What’s not? Pilot projects tried in one and expanded to include others Mutual Accountability Don’t want to fall behind what others are doing Multiple Perspectives Different experiences, different communities

9 Partners in Equity and District Leaders as Disruption
Organizations (WMEP, MSBA, MnEEP, Hum. Ctr., YWCA-Mpls., YMCA, AMSD, MASA, EdMN, etc.) Share resources (joint web database); hold to high quality standard; mutual accountability Joint work / larger common voice District Leaders’ Collaboration Supts., Dir of Curr/Inst., Equity/Integration Leaders Hold each other accountable; share information; disrupting single views

10 Classroom Partnerships as a Disruption
Who are our partners? School Districts How do we collaborate? Physical classroom exchanges with racially isolated districts and non-racially isolated districts. Technology integration between physical exchanges How do we disrupt? Teacher PD around culturally responsive teaching Students build relationships with others who are different from them

11 Kindergarten Readiness Camp as Disruption
Who do we partner with? School Districts How do we collaborate? Students integrate, who have had little to no preschool experience, from racially isolated districts and non-racially isolated districts to learn how to be prepared for Kindergarten. How do we disrupt? Giving traditionally underserved students the opportunity to participate in a “preschool-like” experience and be better prepared.

12 AVID as a Disruption Who do we partner with? School Districts and AVID
How do we collaborate? Leadership monthly collaborative meetings, trainings How do we disrupt? Giving AVID students the opportunities to take courses in the summer for credit because the class schedules serves as a barrier for most students. Challenging the districts to review and improve their identification and support practices

13 YEB and ASP as Disruption
Student Enrichment Programs: Lovin’ the Skin I’m In, Synergy, Custom, and Youth Executive Board Who do we partner with? Schools & Community Partners How do we collaborate? Retreats & After School Programs How do we disrupt? Allowing students to have a space to discuss and come up with solutions.

14 Professional Development as Disruption
Raising awareness of status quo and internalized bias Equity Coaching with Jamie Almanzan training peer educators and administrators to provide feedback and coaching to develop teachers’ and administrators’ understanding of cultural self, cultural others, and our interactions in the classroom FL, R, SSP, WSP-MH-E, and WBL Second year of program Seeing inequity in scheduling, this group asked EA-MN to offer summer PE and Health for current AVID students

15 Professional Development as Disruption
Identifying practices and policies that aren’t equitable Summer PE/Health Alternatives to suspension--Restorative Practices Circle training Lecture and Learn series School to Prison Pipeline Immigration 101

16 Professional Development as Disruption
Expanding curricular knowledge African American History for Educators Mni Sota Makoce: The Dakota Homelands Curriculum Project English Learners in the Mainstream

17 Professional Development as Disruption
Deepening skills and strategies of culturally responsive pedagogy Innocent Classroom Cultural Ways of Communicating Intercultural Developmental Inventory (IDI)

18 6063• Hudson Road •  Ste. 218 • Woodbury • MN • 55125

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