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Perris elementary School district
LCAP Engagement Meeting April 19, 2017 Jean Marie Frey, Deputy Superintendent
Today’s Presenters Patricia Hernandez, Director of Curriculum, Staff Development and Categorical Programs Juan Hernandez, Coordinator of Assessment and Accountability
Agenda Review of Goals, Outcomes, Actions and Services Goals 3 and 4
Data Review What did we say we would do in 2016 – 17? What did we do? Discussion Next Meeting Dates
Goal 3 Patricia Hernandez Director of Curriculum, Staff Development and Categorical Programs
Goal 3 PESD will provide all students a high quality, rigorous core instructional program, implementing the California Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics as well as English Language Development Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.
Expected Annual Measureable Outcomes:
Goal 3 Expected Annual Measureable Outcomes: A. Maintain stock of standards aligned instructional materials to ensure every pupil has sufficient access both in the classroom and for home use All schools have sufficient instructional materials for use in school and at home
District Data Comparison 14-15 and 15-16
Goal 3 B. 2% Fewer students will perform at the not meeting level overall, over the previous year, as measured by SBAC results in ELA and Math. In addition, for significant subgroups, the percent of students not meeting standard will decrease as follows: District Data Comparison and 15-16 Student Group ELA MATH All -2% African American -6% Hispanic -3% English Learner -8% Revisions needed report in positive vs. negative. Also, clearly define not met standard means just level one or does it include level 2- Nearly Met Student Group ELA 14-15 15-16 +/- Goal Met Math All 71% 67% -4% Yes 80% 79% -1% No African American 74% +3% 85% 87% +2% Hispanic 81% -2% English Learner -6% 88% -3%
Goal 3 C. Meet targets for percentage of English Learners attaining proficient level on CELDT as measured by AMAO targets D . 2% more EL students will be reclassified over the previous year Target PESD % Met Target Percentage of ELs attaining the English proficient level: < 5 year cohort 26.7% 23.9% No Percentage of ELs attaining the English proficient level: > 5 year cohort 54.7% 51.8% 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal 5.6% (164) In Progress - TBD
Goal 3: Actions and Services
Adopt textbooks and instructional materials for Science aligned to NGSS The district did not adopt new science textbooks; new textbooks will be piloted and adopted in 2017 – 2018 Replacement/Consumable Texts Sites ordered as needed Site Allocations – Discretionary Budgets Teacher supply orders; recess playground equipment; library books; office supplies
Goal 3: Actions and Services
Site Allocations - Low Income; Foster Youth; English learners Site programs and services aligned to SPSAs for low income, English learners, R-FEPs and foster youth: AVID, Project Lead the Way, PBL, technology, professional development, Parent Involvement activities, afterschool programs/enrichment programs, etc. Bilingual Instructional Aide Support Revitalizing library/media center services Continues to be a priority; still considering hiring a district librarian
Discussion Goal 3 Page 13
Goal 4 PESD is committed to providing a comprehensive, engaging and relevant instructional program for students, thereby creating an educational environment where they feel safe and motivated to come to school; and parents feel welcome and encouraged to actively participate in their child’s education.
Goal 4 Expected Annual Measureable Outcome:
A. Increase attendance rate to at least 96% B. Decrease the percent of chronic absenteeism amongst African American and White Students by 2% 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal 95.6% 94.7% -0.9% No 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal African American 36.4% 17.3% -19.1% Yes White 32.1% 13.4% -18.7%
Goal 4 A. Increase attendance rate to at least 96%
Expected Annual Measureable Outcome: A. Increase attendance rate to at least 96% B. Maintain chronic absenteeism below 10% C. Decrease the number of suspensions by 2%; maintain current expulsion rates 13-14 14-15 15-16 Attendance Rate 95.2% 95.15 95.6% As of 12/15 13-14 14-15 15-16 Chronic Absenteeism 15.51% 16.77% 19.9% 13-14 14-15 15-16 Suspension Rate 313 223 239 As of 5/16 Expulsion Rate As of 4/16
Goal 4 Expected Annual Measureable Outcome:
C. Decrease the number of suspensions by 2%; maintain current expulsion rates; suspension rates of African American students will decrease by 10% and rates for White students will decrease by 5% 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal 5.6% 2.8% -2.8% Yes 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal - Yes 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal 20% 8.4% -11.6% Yes 15-16 16-17 +/- Met Goal 10.3% 5.7% -4.6% No
Goal 4 D. Students will receive art and PE instruction from art and PE teachers Art Teachers All Schools PE Teachers
Parent Involvement LCAP Survey Results
Goal 4 E. 80% of parents feel respected and encouraged to participate at their child’s school Parent Involvement LCAP Survey Results My school provides parent workshops on student education priorities (FIAT, Family Reading Night, Science Night etc.) 92.8% My school has family activities (Rocket Night, Father Daughter Dances, Carnivals etc.) 87.7% Parents have access to community based English classes (CBET) 43.2% Parents are included in advisory committees such as District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC), Site/District English Learner Committee (ELAC/DELAC) Parents have access to student grades and attendance in real time (Parent Portal) 84.7% My school provides translators/interpreters at parent events and meetings. 82.1%
Parent School Climate LCAP Survey Results
Goal 4 E. 80% of parents feel respected and encouraged to participate at their child’s school Parent School Climate LCAP Survey Results Teachers and other staff care about students. 68.8% Teachers and other staff respect individual and cultural differences. 71.1% Parents and community members are welcomed and greeted with respect in our front offices. 57.6% Parents and community members are treated with respect and are encouraged to participate in their child’s education. 70.5% Phones are answered in a positive and professional manner. 61.8% Parents and community members questions are addressed in a timely manner. 67.7%
Goal 4: Actions and Services
Hire Art and PE Teachers We are fully staffed GATE 2nd grade universal screening in May; two teacher meetings CBET Approximately 50 parents participated PBIS Regular meetings were held AVID AVID was implemented at all school sites
Goal 4: Actions and Services
Multi-tier System of Support Framework Work in progress School Counselors Counselors have been hired at all school sites; working together to develop a comprehensive program School Resource Officer The district has not hired a school resource officer Supplemental ELA Instructional Materials for Special Education Students READ 180 was purchased and is in place in upper grade SDC classrooms AVID AVID was implemented at all school sites STEAM Camp Planning on providing a STEAM Camp; moving to Title I
Discussion Goal 4 Page 13
Stakeholder Engagement
LCAP District Staff Input Classified Certificated Confidential Management Principal Meetings Governing Board Meetings District Parent Groups DELAC DPAC CBET Foster Youth Site Parent Groups SSC ELAC LCAP Survey AP Meetings LCAP Engagement Committee Parents Community Administration
Next Meeting Dates May 17 June 15 June 22 Draft of LCAP Public Hearing
Board Approval
Thank You !!
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