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Supplier Briefing Capital Works Program

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1 Supplier Briefing Capital Works Program

2 Agenda for today OVERVIEW Opening and Welcome Councillor Greg Rogerson
2016/17 Capital Works Program Contracting with Council – How does it happen? Local Preference in Procurement – How does it work? Building Relationships – How does it happen? Other Opportunities – What are they? Questions? PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

3 Opening and Welcome Councillor Greg Rogerson
Sunshine Coast Regional Council To be Australia’s most sustainable region – vibrant, green and diverse Opening and Welcome Councillor Greg Rogerson PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

4 Sunshine Coast Regional Council To be Australia’s most sustainable region – vibrant, green and diverse 16/17 Financial Year Balanced budget of $717 million; $252 million Capital Works Program; $122 million in Core Projects; $130 million in Region Making Projects. $90 million in Service Contracting. 2015/16 Financial year resulted in $180 million or 66% of our procurement spend being with local suppliers. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

5 Project Delivery Branch

6 Contracting with Council

7 How do we contract? Written Tender (Contract $200,000+)
Advertised in a newspaper, Council tender alert service, and on QTenders; Open for 3 weeks; Pre-determined Evaluation Criteria; Council goes to the market and the market responds with offers. Request for Quote (Contract $15,000 - $200,000) Invite quotes from a minimum of 3 capable businesses; Open for a reasonable time having regard to the contract; Council selects from the market who it will invite quotes from, and they respond with an offer. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

8 How do we contract? We will invite offers directly with:
Invitation to Tender or Quote; Specification for the contract – Goods or services actually sought; Terms and Conditions of Contract; Tender Process Terms (Rules); Tender/Quote Response Form (Supplier Offer) This is the document a Respondent must complete to submit a tender or quote. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

9 Evaluation Criteria There are presently six evaluation criteria. They are: Price; Capability & Experience; Methodology for Contract Delivery; Health & Safety; Environment & Sustainability; Contribution to Local Economy. % apportioned to each criteria having regard to the goods or services sought. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

10 Tender/Quote Response Form
This is where you will make your Offer to provide the goods or services required in the specification document. This is where it is won and lost; Answer the schedule questions / respond to the criteria; Be succinct / clear / precise; Please do not attach advertising documents as the sole response to a criterion; Please do not attach documents that do not contribute to positively and directly responding to the evaluation criteria. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

11 Supplier Arrangements
Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers Preferred Supplier Arrangements Must be created by a tender process; May only be established for longer than 2 years if better value for money could be achieved by further time; Council creates them for 2 years + 2 x 1 year extensions. Supplier Arrangements have their challenges… PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

12 Supplier Arrangements
25+ arrangements at present 8 relate to Capital delivery Consultants – Engineering; Professional Services; Trade; Project Management; Civil Construction of Lighting on Roads etc. Strategic Planning and Land Use Consultancy We do not have supplier arrangements for every good and service we use. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

13 Contract Lifecycle Inviting Tenders
QTenders - Qld Government Tender Service Requesting Quotes Open Windows Portal Contract Performance Management Key Performance Indicators; Regular and timely performance reviews; Final review and feedback (two way). PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

14 Local Preference in Procurement

15 Local Preference in Procurement Guideline

16 Building Relationships

17 How does it happen? We talk and exchange information;
We maintain open dialogue with the industries we contract with; We give and receive feedback; We manage contract performance through, at a minimum, talking with the supplier; Providing opportunities for work with Council and other organisations; Providing training and workshops to assist suppliers with responding to Council’s contracting processes. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

18 Probity Council operates in a probity environment
The environment is aimed to ensure equality, transparency and fairness; We treat all equally, during the tender or quote process; Any questions asked up until tender close will be reduced to writing and published in a Notice to Respondents. Council’s ultimate aim is to maintain an equal playing field, so all Respondents are in a position to provide competitive offers; It does not need to inhibit good business; it should promote it. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

19 Other Opportunities What are they? PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

20 Opportunities Sunshine Coast Council Tender Alert Service
Qld Government Tender Alert Service Sunshine Coast Business Gateway ICN Gateway Local Buy Arrangements PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

21 Opportunities Doing Business with Council workshops
Business Management Systems workshops Ask for Feedback on your submissions and performance PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL



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