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Independent Reading 15 minutes.

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1 Independent Reading 15 minutes

2 Reading Quiz Clear your desk of everything but something to write with

3 Read “Boys & Girls” and “My Name” Silently
Then answer one of the following in your journal: Why does the narrator explain her mother’s hair so much? What does it tell you about the narrator and her mom? When the narrator talks about the differences between brothers and sisters, reflect on why you think those differences exist. Tell a story of a time you’ve noticed this in your life. Think about “My Name” and reflect on your own name—what does it sound like in different voices? Your parents’, your friends’, your coaches’, your teachers’? How does a name change depending on who speaks it?

4 Figurative Language Review
Metaphor Simile Personification Alliteration Imagery

5 Simile A comparison between two things using like or as
Autumn rain is like a deep breath of cool air.

6 Metaphor A comparison between two things that does not use like or as
When Anna was sick, her cat refused to leave her bed; he was a dragon guarding a princess.

7 Imagery Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) The lush green trees rustled in the wind as I walked down the street.

8 Alliteration When there is a repeating beginning sound within a sentence or line The music melted into the morning air.

9 Personification When non-human things are given human qualities
The trees whispered suspiciously as we walked through the forest.

10 Vignette a brief evocative (haunting/deep) description, account, or episode

11 Classwork Work with a partner to complete the worksheet on the five chapters from last night!

12 Class Discussion: If the book is about Esperanza and her time in the house on Mango Street, why does she find it so important to include this many characters?

13 Mango Street Journal Tomorrow you will be asked to write a vignette about a scene that has happened or could happen at Unami Middle School It should reflect Cisneros’s style of vivid description and use plenty of figurative language Remember, it doesn’t have to be long, just descriptive

14 Homework Make a list of at least twenty events, topics, places, or people you could write about tomorrow for your journal entry

15 Mango Street Journal

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