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Class Schedule Style Guide

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1 Class Schedule Style Guide
General Formatting

2 Introduction This style guide has been developed with reference to the District style guide and updated periodically with suggestions from the Class Schedule Advisory Committee.

3 Page Size The Class Schedule is printed on a slightly smaller page than a standard 8.5” x 11”. Page Size: 8.25” x ” Bleed: 0.5” Margins: 0.5” Body 1 Column: 7.75” x ” 2 Columns: 3.5” x 8.875” with 0.25” gutter

4 Font The Class Schedule uses Myriad Pro as a standard font to easily translate between Mac and PC. For all other fonts its best to Create Outlines of the text so formatting isn’t altered when you transfer to another computer. Font: Myriad Pro Regular Color: [Black] spot color Size: 8pt – 12pt

5 Font (cont’d) Dashes Em‐dashes “—” En‐dashes “–” Hyphens “‐” Websites
Include “ in website addresses only when there is no “ in the URL. Always include “ when needed. Phone #s Separated by hyphens with no spaces: XXX-XXX-XXXX

6 Images All images and maps need to be in grayscale using only the [Black] spot color with highlights in the college PMS spot color to print correctly. You can use the Separations Preview tab in InDesign to see if there are any CMYK or other spot colors in your image. Separations Preview tab Window -> Output -> Separations Preview

7 Spot Colors The Class Schedule is printed with spot colors instead of the more expensive 4‐color process. The uncoated (U) versions are used to print on the newsprint used for the Class Schedule. Pantone (PMS) Spot Colors General: PMS 3135 U City: PMS 201 U Mesa: PMS 287 U Miramar: PMS 322 U Online: PMS 3135 U Continuing Education: PMS 268 U

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