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Ministry in Media #digitalformation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry in Media #digitalformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry in Media #digitalformation

2 Opening Prayer Holy Spirit, you blessed the first disciples
with the power to spread God’s love throughout the world. Give us a new power to proclaim your word through our own unique gifts and through new channels of communication. Make us willing to receive that word as it enters our daily life. Guide those who send out your message and those who receive it, so that all people may come to know your truth and be renewed by your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

3 Ministry in Media Church is a space in which the Spirit works to form Christlike people, and it is the space in which human beings, formed in Christlike love, cooperate with the Spirit and one another to express that love in word and deed, art and action. - Brian McLaren

4 Ministry in Media Conveying information and building relationships
Forming, educating, and inspiring

5 Best Practices for Social Media
Know yourself and be yourself

6 Best Practices for Social Media
Know yourself and be yourself Know your audience Copyright © 2015 HarperCollins Christian Publishing.

7 Best Practices for Social Media
Know yourself and be yourself Know your audience Know your media

8 Best Practices for Social Media
Know yourself and be yourself Know your audience Know your media Know your message

9 Social Media as an Informational and Relational Tool
Copyright © 2015 HarperCollins Christian Publishing.

10 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

11 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

12 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

13 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

14 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

15 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

16 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

17 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

18 Informational & Relational
Facebook Church page Groups pages Promoting events Driving web traffic Messaging groups of people Inviting conversation

19 Relational Ministry and Pastoral Care
A sampling of Trinity youth Facebook status messages ____ is going down to the river to pray because his life sucks right now. ____ thinks growing up isn’t much fun. ____ resolves to no longer regret what he didn’t do. ____ can make a mess like nobody’s business. ____ has a problem with life, because there’s no background music ____ had quite possibly the worst day ever. yesterday. ____ feels like an understatement. ____ has a lot of things to say. ____ is leaving his mark, no matter how small. ____ is something original.

20 Safe Church Practices Discern with your church leadership what guidelines will be used with children and youth in your church. Be “friends” with parents. “Closed” groups should be administered by at least two unrelated adults and open to parents. Adults should refrain from initiating chats (video or text) with youth.

21 Informational & Relational
Twitter Real-time event reporting Event promotion Direct messaging/tagging

22 Informational & Relational
Twitter Real-time event reporting Event promotion Direct messaging/tagging

23 Informational & Relational
Twitter Real-time event reporting Event promotion Direct messaging/tagging

24 Informational & Relational
Twitter Real-time event reporting Event promotion Direct messaging/tagging

25 Informational & Relational
YouTube Pre-event publicity Event wrap up Church or group introduction

26 Informational & Relational
YouTube Pre-event publicity Event wrap up Church or group introduction

27 Informational & Relational
YouTube Pre-event publicity Event wrap up Church or group introduction

28 Social Media as a Formational and Inspirational Tool

29 Formational and Inspirational
Facebook Page posts prayers, Bible verses meditations, quotes links Videos & Photos

30 Formational and Inspirational
Facebook Page posts prayers, Bible verses meditations, quotes links Videos & Photos

31 Formational and Inspirational
Twitter Status updates prayers, Bible verses meditations, quotes Creative storytelling Virtual worship

32 Formational and Inspirational
Twitter Status updates prayers, Bible verses meditations, quotes Creative storytelling Virtual worship

33 Formational and Inspirational
YouTube/vimeo Podcasts Teaching videos Storytelling Inspiring youth

34 Formational and Inspirational
YouTube/vimeo Podcasts Teaching videos Storytelling Inspiring youth

35 Formational and Inspirational
YouTube/vimeo Podcasts Teaching videos Storytelling Inspiring youth

36 Formational and Inspirational
YouTube/vimeo Podcasts Teaching videos Storytelling Inspiring youth

37 Formational and Inspirational
YouTube/vimeo Podcasts Teaching videos Storytelling Inspiring youth

38 Copyright © 2015 HarperCollins Christian Publishing.

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