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Joint Cash Based Transfer (CBT) Feasibility Assessment

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1 Joint Cash Based Transfer (CBT) Feasibility Assessment
Part of the ‘Ready to Respond’ Initiative on Emergency Preparedness Cash & Vouchers Working Group Kabul, Afghanistan 13th October 2016

2 Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment
Inter-Agency Training on Joint CBT Feasibility Assessment Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment WHAT: UNHCR, WFP, OCHA and UNICEF to conduct a feasibility assessment of the most suitable transfer modalities for aid delivery as well as the possibility of delivering this aid within multi-agency and multi-sectorial schemes. Other partners participate in the assessment (Gov. dept and NGOs) This cash feasibility assessment is for emergency preparedness and response This is not a “ needs assessment to identify needs of vulnerable groups” It does not promote the use of cash but rather the most suitable transfer mechanism (cash, in-kind or vouchers) Project is intended to help agencies reach a common understanding on the feasibility of Cash Based Transfers (CBT) Identify opportunities to work together in joint or complementary approaches. Prepare for future crises or adapt current ones to use CBT effectively Project comprises prep mission and country focal point preparation, this workshop and a joint CBT feasibility assessment. Agencies & partners in country can then decide how to proceed.

3 Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment
Inter-Agency Training on Joint CBT Feasibility Assessment Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment WHY: Working together may lead to more cost efficient and effective delivery of aid. However it takes time to learn how to do it because we have different standards, use different jargon, methodologies, etc. Nowadays new technologies are increasingly used but using them requires more preparedness than other “classic” transfer mechanisms. Project is intended to help agencies reach a common understanding on the feasibility of Cash Based Transfers (CBT) Identify opportunities to work together in joint or complementary approaches. Prepare for future crises or adapt current ones to use CBT effectively Project comprises prep mission and country focal point preparation, this workshop and a joint CBT feasibility assessment. Agencies & partners in country can then decide how to proceed.

4 Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment
Inter-Agency Training on Joint CBT Feasibility Assessment Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment HOW: Planning workshop just took place two weeks ago Feasibility criteria to reach comprehensive assessment results Coordination divided across the sub-groups and over-all coordination One target/pilot area Potential replication in other areas if proven successful Assessment divided in 4 categories/criteria: Category Lead Agency/ multi-agency teams Markets WFP Service Provider Protection & acceptance UNHCR & UNICEF Partner capacity OCHA & UNICEF Project is intended to help agencies reach a common understanding on the feasibility of Cash Based Transfers (CBT) Identify opportunities to work together in joint or complementary approaches. Prepare for future crises or adapt current ones to use CBT effectively Project comprises prep mission and country focal point preparation, this workshop and a joint CBT feasibility assessment. Agencies & partners in country can then decide how to proceed.

5 Inter-Agency Training on Joint CBT Feasibility Assessment
Tentative Scope: Proposed targeted areas (6 districts in Nangarhar): Jalalabad, Surkhrod, Behsud, Rodat, Batikot and Kuzkunar Target groups: Undocumented returnees, IDPs and host communities in areas controlled and not controlled by Government Programmatic sectors: Protection, shelter, food security, WASH, basic needs and access to basic services. Project is intended to help agencies reach a common understanding on the feasibility of Cash Based Transfers (CBT) Identify opportunities to work together in joint or complementary approaches. Prepare for future crises or adapt current ones to use CBT effectively Project comprises prep mission and country focal point preparation, this workshop and a joint CBT feasibility assessment. Agencies & partners in country can then decide how to proceed.

6 Work-plan Activities/Task Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Preparation phase
Agree on assessment scope & planning workshop Finalize secondary data review, assessment tools, define assessment methodology, logistics plan (e.g. staff & resources required and data cleaning/input) Field data collection Response options analysis/ Report submission and decision making

7 Inter-Agency Training on Joint CBT Feasibility Assessment
Deliverable: Joint Cash Feasibility Assessment report Proposed next steps for discussion: Joint Response Options Analysis based on assessment findings Use findings to evaluate the possibility of designing a Joint Cash scheme in Nangarhar scale up of returnee influx (?) Formalizing the joint assessment process and conduct feasibility assessment in another location of the country (DFID funding available until 31st March 2017) Include the Joint Cash feasibility assessment as part of the HRP/HNO process so that it is conducted every year (consider including other UN Agencies and Government/NGO partners)

8 Any questions?

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