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LAL: Choice of Test Method

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1 LAL: Choice of Test Method
By Tim Sandle Bio Products Laboratory

2 Introduction How did we get here?
Main test methods - Gel-Clot, Turbidimetric and Chromogenic Advantages and disadvantages of each method Comparison between the main methods

3 Introduction - LAL Test
LAL Test - for performing BET Alternative to Pyrogen (Rabbit) during 1980s USP 1980; FDA Guide 1987; Ph. Eur. 1988; BP 1989 (Gel-clot test) To meet the requirements for the Bacterial Endotoxin Test in Ph. Eur / USP <85>

4 Introduction - LAL Test
Main Test Methods:

5 Introduction - LAL Test
Different methods, same principles Limulus amebocyte lysate reagent from horse shoe crabs LAL detecting endotoxin Detection based on natural clotting mechanism (Levin and Bang, 1968) Tests utilise the clotting cascade

6 Introduction - LAL Test
Different methods, same principles

7 Gel -clot LAL Test Principle
LAL can be purified to be of different sensitivities so a clot = probability of a number of Endotoxin Units (EU) in a given sample Limit or semi-quantitative through dilution series

8 Gel -clot LAL Test Method Tube method Slide spot, micro-plate or tube
Water bath or hot block (37oC +/- 1oC) Reaction tube: 0.1 ml lysate ml sample One hour incubation (+/- 2 minutes) Invert tube through 180o - check for gelation

9 Gel -clot LAL Test EP / USP testing More complicated Positive controls
Negative controls Endotoxin standard curve (confirm label claim) Positive product controls (spiked samples) Semi-quantitative through two-fold dilutions

10 Gel -clot LAL Test Advantages of the test Easy to perform
As a qualitative test - quick and simple Inexpensive Low equipment costs Good for simple products or water Reference method for USP / EP

11 Gel -clot LAL Test Disadvantages to the test Quantitation is difficult
Fixed incubation time Interference Limited ‘limit of detection’ Margin of error No automation Vibration Subjective Compliance issues

12 Photometric methods Turbidimetric and Chromogenic Techniques
Many similarities Use spectrophotometry Use a standard curve (r = 0.980) Increased throughput Wider ranges of quantitation As kinetic methods - single steps Reduced margins of error

13 Turbidimetric LAL Test
Principle: Links the rate of gelation (as turbidity) to determine endotoxin content Plotting turbidity (optical density) against endotoxin concentration from a series of standards End-point or kinetic method

14 Turbidimetric LAL Test
Method Heated plate reader or heated tube reader (37oC +/-1oC) Spectrophotometer Computer software Lysate sensitivity determined via curve

15 Turbidimetric LAL Test
Advantages of the test Real time measurement Results can be ‘seen’ Reading is automated: objectivity Software Less dilutions cf Gel-clot (in-use costs) Over-coming interference

16 Turbidimetric LAL Test
Disadvantages of the test Turbid samples Samples with precipitation Some biologicals Equipment cost Vibration, bubbles and background noise Technician expertise

17 Chromogenic LAL test Principle End-point or kinetic method
Uses the clotting cascade, but in a modified way Synthetic chromogenic substrate - pNA - in the presence of LAL and endotoxin produces a yellow colour. Intensity of colour = relates to amount of endotoxin End-point or kinetic method

18 Chromogenic LAL test Method
Heated plate reader or heated tube reader (37oC +/-1oC) Spectrophotometer Computer software Lysate sensitivity determined via curve

19 Chromogenic LAL test Advantages of the test
Fast, real time measurement Results can be ‘seen’ Reading is automated: objectivity Software Less dilutions cf Gel-clot (in-use costs) Over-coming interference

20 Chromogenic LAL Test Disadvantages of the test Coloured samples
Equipment and reagent cost Technician expertise / variability

21 Comparison What’s similar? Use the same / similar principle Use LAL
Use tube or micro-plate Require endotoxin standards Meet Regulatory requirements - FDA, MCA, EP, USP, JP

22 Comparison How do they compare?

23 Comparison How do they compare?

24 Comparison How do I choose? Gel-clot method? Turbidimetric method?
Chromogenic method? End point or kinetic?

25 Summary Brief introduction to the LAL test The three main methods
Advantages and disadvantages of each Comparison between them

26 Summary Final choice… It’s up to you: Your budget
Your application - water, raw materials, in-process samples or final products Volumes to be tested Material to be tested - turbid, coloured, precipitate, inhibition Endotoxin limit Degree of compliance

27 Thank you for your time

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