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National Lead AHP CYP Scottish Government

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1 National Lead AHP CYP Scottish Government
Speech Language and Communication Pauline Beirne National Lead AHP CYP Scottish Government @NatLeadAHPCYP 1 / 30 min This is the RCSLT Perspective Thank you: CYP PG Morag Pauline Chris Robinson Glenn Carter Caroline Turtle 1

2 What the evidence tells us
Speech, language and Communication Framework (SLCF) developed by The Communication Trust. The SLCF lists all the skills and knowledge that everyone working with children need to know to support the communication development of all children and those with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). Better Communication Research: Services and (education) should systematically collect evidence of CYP outcomes that include perceptions of CYP and their parents to evidence that changes in SLC are increasing independence and inclusion (well being) Significant gaps in the evidence base to support social,emotional and peer relationship needs of CYP

3 Issues of single points of screening Millenium Cohort Study
Patterns of change on the BAS Naming vocabulary between 3 and 5 years (N=13016] Group A, the Typical Language Group (TL) (n=12066) had scores within normal limits at both three and five years Group B was an Increasingly Vulnerable Language Group (IVL) (177) had typical development at three years but language delay by five years Group C was a Resilient Language Group (RL) (n=572) was language delayed at three years but developing typically by five years Group D was a Consistently Low Language Group (CLL) (n=201) which had language delay at three and five years.

4 Examples of good practice
Early Intervention and Prevention: Spin, Before Words; Makaton Access: Triage test of change ( National );HV training Glasgow; Inclusive schools education; Support Worker engagement Partnership and Integration: Communication Champions Training; Lanarkshire AHP Multi-agency Forum


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