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Durham-Toronto Instructor Training Seminars

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2 Durham-Toronto Instructor Training Seminars
Held twice yearly in September and January, one to two weeks before a group of classes are scheduled to begin. Located at a retreat centre, with overnight accommodation and all meals provided. Cost is covered by the area and a contribution of $20 per person for social refreshments. Open to new and experienced instructors. CLC2 conducts their seminar concurrent with CLC1.

3 D -T Seminars are AWESOME!
Why Use this Training Format? Instructors must attend the complete seminar, regardless of their level of experience. Weekend format has a lasting motivational effect on individuals. Activities begin early Friday evening and conclude at noon on Sunday with lunch. Team bonding assists improved communication, in-depth understanding of the course and material, aiding in a more enjoyable instructional and team experience. Promotes a sense of “family”, cultivates loyalty. D -T Seminars are AWESOME!

4 How We Do It: About 6 Weeks Before Seminar
Four Seminar Leaders and Chief Instructors brainstorm ideas for workshops. Chief Instructors provide feedback from previous class visits to determine areas of weakness. Previous Seminar feedback is used to gauge what people find most beneficial. A seminar theme and theme-related Christopher Talk are created by an instructor who is invited by the Chief Instructors. A total of three Christopher Talks are delivered during the weekend.

5 How We Do It: continued…
The Social Chair identifies names for each of the small groups and coordinates the Saturday night social event/activities. President and Chief Instructors make up the instructional teams based on instructor availability (i.e., day of week), level of experience, strengths/weaknesses, and location. VP brings all class supplies for distribution to the newly formed teams. President opens the seminar and leads the Sunday morning Agape, closing the formal activities.

6 Who Does What? Area VP secures seminar locations and acts as liaison between the facility and attendees; coordinates break time and evening refreshments. Both CLC1 and CLC2 Chief Instructors Coordinate and host the seminar. Seminar Leaders provide hosting support to the Chief Instructors and are available all weekend to assist and support participants. Instructors are allocated to small groups of based on skill and level of experience; groups work together throughout the learning sessions. CLC2 holds separate learning sessions and joins CLC1 for shared workshop presentations, social activities and meals. One Chief Instructor creates the Agenda following the established format.

7 Our Agenda

8 Thank You!

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