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1890 Populist Convention, NE

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1 1890 Populist Convention, NE
The Populist Movement 1890 Populist Convention, NE

2 The West Largely unsettled due to poor farming conditions
Advances in technology allow for settlers to start farming the west. John Deere invents the steel plow Barbed wire invented

3 Family Farming to…

4 …Bonanza Farming.

5 McCormick begins mass-producing a reaper (harvests crops)
McCormick begins mass-producing a reaper (harvests crops). It speeds up harvesting allowing for more crops to be grown.

6 Gold Gold discovered in several western states, causing more people to move west This causes problems with Native Americans

7 The Homestead Act Congress will give 160 acres of land to any person willing to move west. Many African Americans leave the South during this time period.

8 The abundance of open land and the growth of cities leads to an increase in the demand for beef.
This leads to an increase in cattle ranching out west.

9 Transcontinental Railroad
Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act in 1862 Provided funds for the construction of a transcontinental railroad between the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific Offered public land to each company for the construction of the railroad

10 2 groups of immigrants built the railroad – the Chinese and Irish
Both worked for $1/day ($13 dollars/day roughly) The completion of the railroad sped up travel time between the east and west coast Also allowed for the easy transportation of people and goods

11 Native American Response
Westward expansion caused problems with the Native Americans. After the Civil War the US had 3 different policies: Move Them Kill Them Assimilate Them

12 Move Them Kill Them Forced tribes onto reservations Reservations were run by the government Many officials were corrupt and stole money intended for the reservations. Not all Native Americans went peacefully Atrocities occurred on both sides Battle of Little Bighorn Wounded Knee

13 Assimilate Them Congress gave money to Native Americans to make them more “American” Natives did not trust the US The Dawes Act – congress broke up Indian reservations and sold the land, the Native Americans did not get anything from the sale.


15 Education The Morrill Act – gave federal land to states for agricultural colleges (eventually 109 founded) Clemson and SC State were started due to this act

16 Farmers out West Railroads, Technology and the Homestead Act opened west to settlement Farmers had several issues though: Drought Low crop prices due to overproduction Buying new equipment put them in debt

17 What made farmers unhappy?
Increase in crop production New Equipment Larger supply of crops for sale Decrease in crop prices Struggle to pay bills Less Profit What made farmers unhappy? Increase in DEBT

18 The Money Debate After the Civil War the US removed greenbacks (soft money) and only used gold and silver coins (hard money) US uses the Gold Standard Means there is less money in circulation Hurt farmers – received less for their crops Farmers wanted to print more greenbacks

19 Era of Deflation Late 19th Century (late 1800’s)
Deflation – decrease in the amount of money in circulation Caused a decline in consumer spending Caused economic depressions in 1873, 1884, 1893

20 Agrarian to Industrial Society
Agrarian – agriculture is primary economic support Mechanization – machines are used instead of people Industrialization – industry is primary economic support

21 Farmers Economic Woes Farmers blame railroads for their economic problems Railroads charged very high prices for shipping Different rates for different regions of the country

22 Farmers blame banks for their economic problems
Charged high interest rates on farmers Foreclosures on farmers land Farmers decide to organize politically

23 National Grange Original Purpose - provide a social outlet and an educational forum for isolated farm families Became - Labor union for farmers spent lots of time fighting the railroads sponsor legislation

24 National Grange Grange pooled buying power of
farmers to buy equipment cheaper elect representatives to state legislator

25 Populist Party Populism Leaders realized the movement of the people
party demanded reform lift the burden of debt that the farmers were suffering Leaders realized needed to build a base of political power to make the true changes

26 Proposed Reform Increased money supply Graduated income tax
Federal loan program Direct election of Senators Restrictions on Immigration 8 hour work day

27 Election of 1896 Main campaign issue 2 schools of thought economy
money and what it would be backed by 2 schools of thought Silverites Gold Bugs

28 Silverites Supported Bimetallism (gold and silver in the economy)
Wanted the unlimited coinage of silver Support came from Farmers and Laborers South and West Democrats

29 Gold Bugs Favored the Gold Standard Support came from
Gold main source of money Support came from Businessmen, bankers and industrial leaders New England Republicans

30 Election of 1896 Republican – William McKinley
Democrat – William Jennings Bryan Populist – William Jennings Bryan (different VP) Jennings gives the “Cross of Gold” speech

31 You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

32 Collapse of the Populists
McKinley is elected President Populist Party collapses and members absorbed into Democrats

33 Effects of Populism Populist Party Proved Common man can organize
Grassroots movements can have an impact on the government Ideas stayed around after party left and became laws

34 The Wizard of Oz…and Populism?
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – published in 1900 Some say its an allegory to populism Yellow Brick Road = Gold Standard Dorothy = Americans Scarecrow = Populist There are many more

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