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Humanities Faculty PPT front page: NB

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1 Humanities Faculty PPT front page: NB
Humanities Faculty PPT front page: NB. There must be detailed procedural instructions on each slide as relevant Author/s: HBL/LVA Big question & Intended Learning Outcomes: Key Knowledge: Key Skills and questions Big Question: Islamophobia or Xenophobia? Can I identify and define a phobia? Can I analyse the actions of Anonymous? Can I evaluate Islamophobia and respond using artistic design? Definitions of ‘phobia’ Definition of ‘Islamophobia’ Definition of ‘Xenophobia’ What does the group ‘Anonymous’ do and why? What methods do they use? Describe – what is meant by the term ‘phobia’, ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘Xenophobia’. Analyse – the methods used by the group Anonymous. Evaluate – own response to Islamophobia. Differentiation: Resources: Video Clips: give visual stimulus. Teacher questioning. Scaffolding for writing task (on the masks) and key words provided. PowerPoint Video Clips: Clip 1: Clip 2: Blank copies of mask outline (A4). Newspapers. Masks. Notes: See notes on each slide to take you through the lesson. Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016

2 Do Now What links these images?
Write today’s date in full PLANNERS ON THE DESK Use images of: A spider Someone high up A clown The Pope Flying A bird A person with beard A person with mobile phone A person in enclosed space A banana A dog The link is that they are all showing examples of phobias (yes, there really is a phobia of The Pope, and it is called ‘papaphobia’, no really!) – some are more unusual than others. Ask pupils if they can come up with a definition of the word ‘phobia’ before moving onto a definition on the next slide. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. Acrophobia- Fear of heights. Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns Papaphobia – Fear of The Pope Aviophobia or Aerophobia – Fear of flying Ornithophobia – Fear of birds Pogonophobia - Fear of beards Nomophobia – Fear of not having a mobile phone signal Claustrophobia – Fear of enclosed spaces Bananaphobia – Fear of bananas Cynophobia – Fear of dogs Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016

3 What is a phobia? Copy this definition into your books…
Phobia - an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. For the Lower Ability pupils make sure you explain the term ‘aversion’ e.g. having a strong dislike for/of something. Insert image of the Pope Example – An extreme or irrational fear of the Pope is called ‘Papaphobia’. Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016

4 Islamophobia or Xenophobia?
Success Criteria Can I identify and define a phobia? Can I analyse the actions of Anonymous? Islamophobia = "unfounded hostility towards Muslims, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims.“ Xenophobia is derived from the Greek word 'Xenos' meaning “foreigner or stranger” and Phobos which means 'morbid fear'. Xenophobia is the irrational sensation of fear experienced about a person or a group of persons as well as situations that are perceived as strange or foreign. Can I evaluate Islamophobia and respond using artistic design? Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016

5 Picture Analysis Islamophobia
Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016 Write today’s date in full PLANNERS ON THE DESK Picture Analysis Islamophobia Write a list of questions you would ask about this image… Remember the 5 Ws. Image can be found at Ensure as part of this activity you define what is meant by Islamophobia – invite pupils to suggest their own definitions first. Islamophobia = irrational dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force. Islamophobia = "unfounded hostility towards Muslims, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims.“ Take feedback on the questions pupils have about the picture – it may be appropriate at this point to discuss/answer the questions. It is also essential that misconceptions are challenged too. The 5 W’s are: what happened? When did it happen? Why did it happen? Who was involved? Where did it happen? Can I identify and define a phobia?

6 of the success criteria?
Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016 Feedback Have we met this part of the success criteria? Can I identify and define a phobia? Can I recall a belief? Success Criteria: Unistructural

7 Video Analysis What is Anonymous message?
Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016 Video Analysis What is Anonymous message? How does Anonymous want to fight ISIS? Anonymous is an international network of activists and hacktivists. They oppose Internet censorship and control, and promote freedom of speech The majority of their actions target governments, organizations, and corporations that they accuse of censorship. The group have been quite active recently in taking down any website that copies or spreads the propaganda of the terrorist outfit ISIS. Clip 1 : (1m 45s) This clip shows Anonymous talking about the terrorist attacks on Brussels on 22/3/16. The clip outlines the actions they have taken against ISIS (silencing thousands of Twitter accounts directly linked to ISIS, hacking their accounts, taking their money) and urges people to join them in their fight against terrorism and against ISIS by being accepting and tolerant of Muslims. The full transcript of the video is available with the resources for the lesson. Clip 2: (1m 54s) This clip again shows Anonymous – urging people to be united no matter what their religion is. Explains that Islam is often misunderstood. The full transcript for the video is available with the resources for the lesson. Use the reference article “‘War is declared’, hackers tell Islamic State” from The Day website at What is your response to Anonymous? Can I analyse the actions of Anonymous?

8 of the success criteria?
Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016 Feedback Have we met this part of the success criteria? Can I recall a belief? Can I analyse the actions of Anonymous?

9 Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media
Project: Extremism and terrorism as reported in the media. School: Priory School, Hampshire. Date: September 2016 Faces of Freedom Create a mask from newspaper clippings challenging Islamophobia. Write a message on the inside of the masks with your views on Islamophobia. Pupils will have a paper template of a mask – this will be on A4 paper – to produce a draft for their actual mask. This will include key words/phrases that challenge Islamophobia. Pupils will then use newspapers to find the words/letters to create their actual masks. They should also then write a message with their own views on Islamophobia which will be stuck on the inside of their masks. Can I evaluate Islamophobia and respond using artistic design?

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