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Fedora Project Your Name Your Title(s) Relevant SIG/Project Affiliation(s) This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.

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Presentation on theme: "Fedora Project Your Name Your Title(s) Relevant SIG/Project Affiliation(s) This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fedora Project Your Name Your Title(s) Relevant SIG/Project Affiliation(s)
This presentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (BY-SA) 3.0 license.

2 this talk is about: what is Fedora? who is Fedora?
why does Fedora matter? how do you join the open source movement?

3 what is Fedora?

4 ...a powerful operating system...
stable secure innovative

5 ...a powerful operating system...
/* the best of what works today */ stable secure innovative

6 ...a set of projects...

7 software packages kernel, glibc, system libraries...
networking, data processing, analysis... productivity, entertainment, multimedia...

8 software packages /* more than 8500 */
kernel, glibc, system libraries... networking, data processing, analysis... productivity, entertainment, multimedia...

9 translation Ich bin Fedora Yo soy Fedora ...

10 translation /* dozens of languages */ Ich bin Fedora Yo soy Fedora ...

11 translation /* dozens of languages */ Ich bin Fedora Yo soy Fedora

12 artwork community-led free software tools open process

13 artwork /* icons, backgrounds, themes */ community-led
free software tools open process

14 documentation “kinder, gentler subproject” anyone can write and edit
supports translations

15 documentation /* release notes, guides, wiki */
“kinder, gentler subproject” anyone can write and edit supports translations

16 ambassadors look for the blue shirts at an event near you

17 ambassadors /* worldwide goodwill */ look for the blue shirts
at an event near you

18 infrastructure web and database servers account system build systems

19 infrastructure /* keep everything running */ web and database servers
account system build systems

20 websites community designed community built public assets

21 websites /* make it pretty for the public */ community designed
community built public assets

22 bug triage revitalized project 1000s of bugs, many are easy to fix
clear the way for harder work

23 bug triage /* fix things more quickly */ revitalized project
1000s of bugs, many are easy to fix clear the way for harder work

24 marketing messaging guide feature following interviews, blogs, press

25 marketing /* spread the message */ messaging guide feature following
interviews, blogs, press

26 who does all this?

27 you do

28 get an account as easy as any social site

29 get an account
as easy as any social site

30 what do you like to do?

31 do it in Fedora

32 Fedora == do it empower the community to take the reins
no dividing line

33 Fedora == do it /* fanboys != contributors */
empower the community to take the reins no dividing line

34 out of the chaos, innovation
we believe in upstream we believe in the community we believe in YOU

35 out of the chaos, innovation
/* “if you want to try and stop me...” */ we believe in upstream we believe in the community we believe in YOU

36 innovation never rests
stable, not steady-state other options for long-term production we are upstream for others

37 innovation never rests
/* release every 6 months */ stable, not steady-state other options for long-term production we are upstream for others

38 community power music, art, security...
the newest open source community is still out there, waiting...

39 community power /* spin your own */ music, art, security...
the newest open source community is still out there, waiting...

40 the world comes to us open standards open governance open hands

41 the world comes to us /* freedom is a human need */ open standards
open governance open hands


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