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10 START Nov. 28-Dec. 6.

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1 10 START Nov. 28-Dec. 6

2 This unit will spread over 3 months (October-December)
Students will experience the world through detailed cultural information using Culture Grams as they choose a country to research. This cultural project is a unit designed so that students will learn that all cultures have value while learning to make an electronic slideshow using PowerPoint. Students will research background information on a country of their choice and then learn how to create and deliver a multimedia presentation. This unit will focus on how to research and cite sources. This unit will spread over 3 months (October-December) Speed/Accuracy Practice 1.9 B U Left Shift Rotation #10 Goals Demonstrate correct posture and position and correct touch-system technique for a s d f h j k l ; h e o m r i t n c . w , g space bar enter keys. We will learn B U and Left Shift Keys. 1.9 How to edit slide text, add clip art, and enhance a presentation by using a color scheme How to format background, format text boxes, change text color and bullet styles Qwertytown Unit 2—Top Row Reaches Lesson 5-8 Due 12-16 Basic understanding of MS Word by taking an online Word Basic assessment Technique Test---Using Rubric Standards: 1.24, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.1, 3.2, Reading: Informational Text ELA-Literacy Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently

3 1 Qwertytown 2nd Quarter 6 8 10 There are 10 lessons in Level 2
QWERTYTOWN TODAY There are 10 lessons in Level 2 Pace: 1 lesson/week Dec Jan Grades close on January 13 Achievement Levels Bronze 85% 20 WPM Silver 90% 25 WPM Gold 95% 30 WPM Points 6 Points Earned Score 6 30 12 60 14 70 16 80 18 90 20 100 8 10 DONE DONE Wed., Nov. 9 Tues., Nov. 22 Fri., Dec. 16 Wed., Jan. 11

4 TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 10 Class #1
Standards: 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 You don’t need anything today! Log into QWERTYTOWN—first 10 minutes of every class! Open up your ABC 7 google docs file Lesson 1.9 B U Left Shift Key Change text color to Red Oswald size 14 Type today’s school heading Title: Page 31-32 Answer the questions on the big screen Do Terms to Know in word….review for assessment Class #2 Add Clip art “anything red!” Arrange at the end of your lines. Welcome to Rotation #10 Today we will learn new keys: 1.9 B U Left Shift Key Looking Ahead: MS Word Test class # 2

5 Open up google docs--tell me what you know about each…
Open up google docs--tell me what you know about each….. Turn on the Number Bullets! In Word/PowerPoint What do the commands do? Ctrl B, Ctrl U, Ctrl V, Ctrl S, Ctrl i What are Ribbons in word? What is the Clipboard? What does Navigate mean in Word/Google Docs? What is the Undo button do in word/google docs? Can you change the font style to Bold, Italic, or Underline by using the ribbon and Ctrl__? What does Deselect mean? How do you save a document to your h drive in word? How do you set line spacing to DS in google docs? How do you change something (Example the size of text) in word/docs? What is the Quick access toolbar in Word? What are the Alignment buttons used for? How does the backspace key work? Erases text from…… When done go back to page –each line once.

6 Ribbons in Office 2007 the new Ribbon feature in Office 2007 takes time to learn… In 2007Microsoft products introduced a form of modular ribbon as their main interface where large tabbed toolbars, filled with graphical buttons and other graphical control elements, are grouped by functionality. Such ribbons use tabs to expose different sets of controls, eliminating the need for many parallel toolbars. 

7 Answers: Terms to Know Ribbons replace menus and toolbars
Ctrl B Bold, Ctrl U Underline, Ctrl V Paste, Ctrl S Save, Ctrl I Italics Ribbons replace menus and toolbars Clipboard temporary storage area for copied and cut text. Navigate to move around in a document Undo to undo what you just did change the font style to Bold, Italic, or Underline by using the ribbon And Ctrl ___ Deselect---click off of what you are selecting How to save a document in word file save as Format Tab—Line Spacing How do you change something in word/docs? Select how do you select text? Quick access toolbar in word up next to Office Button Alignment buttons left center right justify Backspace key erases text from right to left

8 TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 10 Class #2
Standards: 1.24 You need your Culture packet Log into QWERTYTOWN—first 10 minutes of every class! Get an internet connect go to Teacher Web Beck MA Green pencil link—click on 4th link Word Test. Log in with group# last name first initial and the password is….. Word Open up your Culture PowerPoint Finish Typing Text —slides 1-20 Demo slide #20 create a bibliography go to using your cite sources page we will create a bibliography and Copy into slide #20 Use your cite sources page (in your packet) What is a color scheme and why is it important to have one? Why use the 5 color rule? How do I order text/pictures? You can change bullet style? How??? Formatting slides in PowerPoint

9 Rubric for Text # text grade text 5 55 10 60 15 65 20 70 25 75 30 80
11 55 2 10 12 60 3 15 13 65 4 20 14 70 25 75 6 30 16 80 7 35 17 85 8 40 18 90 9 45 19 95 50 100 text Class 5

10 Free Citation Son of Citation Bibme
Machine Son of Citation Citation machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use Bibme The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the easiest way to build a works cited page. And it's free. Bib me SOMEDAY THE INFORMATION THAT SOMEONE ELSE WANTS TO USE... WILL BE YOURS!

11 TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 10 Class #3
Standards: 1.24 You don’t need anything today! Log into QWERTYTOWN—first 10 minutes of every class! Open up your PowerPoint slides 1-5 we will be learning how to format 1-5 using color scheme. 5 colors white/black + 3 others of your choice. (Flag) Formatting slides in PowerPoint What is a color scheme and why is it important to have one? What does a texture background look like with text? How do I add a border to my text boxes or pictures? How do you insert pictures from your H drive?

12 5 colors 5 colors Text Text 2 Text 3
5 colors---using your flag as the main colors Finland is white and blue Black, White, blue, yellow, ___________, ____

13 color scheme is 5 colors white, black, ___, ___, ___ (flag colors)
Slide 1 Flag as your background—right mouse click Order send to back Slide 2 4-6 facts, 1 picture of land in your county Set as background, rearrange slide to read text, at least 1 piece of clip art Slide 3 4-6 facts, 1 piece of clip art, 2 maps, white background Slide 4 4-6 facts, 3 pieces of clip art, format background a color in your color scheme, change text color in your color scheme Slide 5 white background

14 Skills Slides 1-5 Color scheme Send to back Change text color
will be your flag color you may choose 3 colors +white, +black Send to back to place the flag behind the text: Right mouse on the flag—order—send to back Move text boxes Click on the text box—4 sided arrow—move Add clip art Insert Picture---clip art (same as Word) Format Background—to color in the whole background of the slide Right Mouse--Format Background—down arrow choose color or Design Tab Background Styles—format Background Change text color Select what you want to change—go to the A underlined on the Font Ribbon choose a color

15 Land & Climate #2 Latitude: 60.10 Longitude: 24.58
Winter freezing summers cool 2/3 land--fir trees 187,800 water bodies Latitude: Longitude: Area, sq. mi.: 130,127 Land & Climate Criteria: 4-5 facts 1 piece of clip art Picture of land in your country—google image search—copy url and paste on this slide #2

16 Land & Climate #2 Latitude: 60.10 Longitude: 24.58
Area, sq. mi.: 130,127 Winter freezing summers cool 2/3 land--fir trees 187,800 water bodies #2

17 Land & Climate #2 Latitude: 60.10 Winter freezing Longitude: 24.58
Area, sq. mi.: 130,127 Winter freezing summers cool 2/3 land--fir trees 187,800 water bodies Land & Climate #2

18 TODAY’S AGENDA Rotation 10 Class #4
Standards: 1.24 You don’t need anything today! Log into QWERTYTOWN—first 10 minutes of every class! Open up your PowerPoint slides 6-10 we will be learning how to format 6-10 using color scheme. 5 colors white/black + 3 others of your choice. (Flag) Formatting slides in PowerPoint What is a color scheme and why is it important to have one? What does a texture background look like with text? How do I add a border to my text boxes or pictures? How do you insert pictures from your H drive?

19 color scheme is 5 colors white, black, ___, ___, ___ (flag colors)
Slide 6 4-6 facts, 2 pieces clip art, picture, white background Slide 7 4-6 facts, 2 pictures from culture grams (Google) Format background your choice (color scheme) color in text box and border Slide 8 (Google) Format background your choice (color scheme) color in text box and border Slide 9 (Google) Format background texture Slide 10 4-6 facts, 3 pieces of clip art,

20 Skills Slides 6-10 Home Ribbon
Direction Sheet Skills Slides 6-10 Home Ribbon Pattern Background: Can’t do in this version of word…your choice Color in a text box Click on the text box—Click on the Paint can choose a color Add clip art: Insert Picture---clip art (same as Word) Format Background—to color in the whole background of the slide Right Mouse--Format Background—down arrow choose color Border a Text Box Select the text—Drawing toolbar (ribbon) Shape Outline Change Bullets Select text---Paragraph--choose what you want

21 History #7 Inhabited since 8000 BC
1570–95 Sweden-Russia fight for Finland 1809 Sweden surrenders Finland to Russia 1917 Finland declares independence 1919 Finland becomes a Republic Tarja Halonen, President History Criteria: 4-5 facts 2 picture from culture grams Format background—pattern your choice (color scheme) Color in fact text box—add border #7

22 History #7 Inhabited since 8000 BC
1570–95 Sweden-Russia fight for Finland 1809 Sweden surrenders Finland to Russia 1917 Finland declares independence 1919 Finland becomes a Republic Tarja Halonen, President History #7

23 10 END Nov. 28-Dec. 5

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