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Public Attitudes Towards Abortion in Ireland
Research Methodology Higher Lower
The research was conducted in February 2016, using RED C’s telephone omnibus survey, RED Express. This is the same methodology used for both the May 2015 and the February 2016 research. 1,002 adults aged 18+ were interviewed over the telephone between 18th – 22nd February 2016. Quotas were set and data weighted to know profiles on age, gender, class and region to ensure that the sample is representative of the total Irish adult population. In addition to this, RED Express uses a Random Digit Dial (RDD) method across landline and mobile to ensure that ex-directory households or those with no landline are included in the sample – ensuring maximum representation. The margin of error on a sample size of 1,002 is +/- 3.1%. Throughout, we have highlighted demographic information of interest, with the aim of helping to inform Amnesty International Ireland’s future plans and communications strategy. Throughout the deck the following notations apply: Higher Lower
To Be Included in Press Release
Method RED C interviewed a random representative sample of 1,002 adults aged 18+ by phone between the 18th – 22nd February 2016. A random digit dial (RDD) method of mobile and landline numbers was utilized in order to ensure a random selection of households to be included – this ensures all adults were eligible for selection including mobile only households and ex-directory households. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results weighted to the profile of all adults.
Who We Spoke To?
Nationally Representative Sample Profile
Age (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 10% Gender 49% 51% 18-24 19% Same Sample Profile as May 2015 & February 2016 25-34 21% 35-44 18% 45-54 14% 54-65 18% Social Class 65+ ABC1: 42% Region Targets were set and data weighted to ensure a nationally representative sample was surveyed. C2DE: 52% Dublin 28% Conn/ Ulster 18% Rest of Leinster 26% F: 6% Munster 28%
Attitudes to Abortion in Ireland
Key Findings & Summary Just over half (55%) agree that expanding access to abortion should be one of the priorities for the next government. While some neither agree or disagree with this, 1 in 4 would disagree with the statement. A slightly higher proportion, almost 2 in 3 (63%) agree that politicians need show leadership and deal proactively with widening access to abortion. Strong agreement evident among 8 in 10 (80%) that a woman's health should be the priority in any reform of Irelands abortion law. Almost three quarters (72%) agree that the fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad. 2 in 3 believe that it is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions. While just over half (55%) agree that Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane – however 1 in 4 would disagree with statement. Broadly speaking there are little variances in attitudes across demographics, whereby in terms of gender, little difference is note in agreement. Age shows some slightly larger differences, whereby those a little older are at times less likely to agree with a statements – such as politicians should deal with the issue of widening access to abortion. They are also less likely to agree that Irelands abortion laws discriminate against women who cannot afford, or simply are unable to travel abroad. They also show lower agreement that it is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions.
Attitudes to Abortion in Ireland
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion
(Base: All Adults ,002) Q.1 In Ireland, access to abortion is banned unless the woman’s life is at risk. Can you tell me on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is disagree strongly and 5 is agree strongly, how much you agree or disagree that these statements reflect how you personally feel about Ireland’s restrictions on access to abortion Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion in Ireland (n=1,002) % The fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad (n=1,002) % It is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions (n=1,002) % Expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government (n=1,002) % Women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law (n=1,002) % Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane (n=1,002) % Agree strongly 80% 72% 55% 63% 66% 55% Agree slightly Neither 19 16 10 11 12 18 Disagree slightly 8% 15% 20% 20% 26% Disagree strongly 25% Don’t Know 1 1 2 2 2 1 Agreement is strongest that a woman's health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law (Q.5)
Higher Social Grades:52%
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 55% Believe expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government Gender Age Region 55% 18-24 59% 25-34 60% Dublin 61% Conn/ Ulster 55% 56% 35-44 55% Rest of Leinster 51% Social Grade 45-54 58% Munster 54% Higher Social Grades:52% 55-64 64% Lower Social Grades: 59% 65+ 42% Farmers: 47% (Q 2)
Higher Social Grades:67%
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 63% Believe Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion in Ireland Gender Age Region 62% 18-24 65% 25-34 69% Dublin 69% Conn/ Ulster 63% 65% 35-44 65% Rest of Leinster 60% Social Grade 45-54 65% Munster 61% Higher Social Grades:67% 55-64 70% Lower Social Grades: 63% 65+ 48% Farmers: 50% (Q 2)
Higher Social Grades:75%
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 80% Believe women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law Gender Age Region 80% 18-24 82% 25-34 82% Dublin 82% Conn/ Ulster 85% 80% 35-44 78% Rest of Leinster 79% Social Grade 45-54 83% Munster 76% Higher Social Grades:75% 55-64 81% Lower Social Grades: 83% 65+ 76% Farmers: 90% (Q 2)
Higher Social Grades:73%
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 72% Believe the fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad Gender Age Region 71% 18-24 68% 25-34 75% Dublin 77% Conn/ Ulster 66% 72% 35-44 78% Rest of Leinster 66% Social Grade 45-54 71% Munster 76% Higher Social Grades:73% 55-64 77% Lower Social Grades: 70% 65+ 59% Farmers: 84% (Q 2)
Higher Social Grades:64%
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 66% Believe it is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions Gender Age Region 66% 18-24 58% 25-34 67% Dublin 67% Conn/ Ulster 69% 65% 35-44 73% Rest of Leinster 62% Social Grade 45-54 66% Munster 66% Higher Social Grades:64% 55-64 71% Lower Social Grades: 67% 65+ 56% Farmers: 65% (Q 2)
Higher Social Grades:52%
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) 55% Believe Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane Gender Age Region 55% 18-24 39% 25-34 57% Dublin 64% Conn/ Ulster 53% 55% 35-44 58% Rest of Leinster 52% Social Grade 45-54 58% Munster 50% Higher Social Grades:52% 55-64 63% Lower Social Grades: 57% 65+ 49% Farmers: 50% (Q 2)
Attitudes to Abortion in Ireland – Excluding ‘Neither Agree/ Disagree’ & ‘Don’t Know’
Key Findings & Summary Just under 7 in 10 (69%) agree that expanding access to abortion should be one of the priorities for the next government, while 3 in 10 would disagree with the statement. A higher proportion, just over 3 in 4 (77%) agree that politicians need show leadership and deal proactively with widening access to abortion. Strong agreement evident among 9 in 10 (90%) that a woman's health should be the priority in any reform of Irelands abortion law. Just over 4 in 5 (82%) agree that the fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad. 3 in 4 (76%) believe that it is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions. Just over 2 in 3 (68%) agree that Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane. Broadly speaking there are little variances in attitudes across demographics, whereby in terms of gender, little difference is note in agreement. Age shows some slightly larger differences, whereby those a little older are at times less likely to agree with a statements – such as politicians should deal with the issue of widening access to abortion. They are also less likely to agree that it is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions.
Public Attitudes Towards Abortion – Excluding ‘Neither’ and ‘DK’s
(Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Q.1 In Ireland, access to abortion is banned unless the woman’s life is at risk. Can you tell me on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is disagree strongly and 5 is agree strongly, how much you agree or disagree that these statements reflect how you personally feel about Ireland’s restrictions on access to abortion Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion in Ireland (n=831) % The fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad (n=873) % It is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions (n=868) % Expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government (n=807) % Women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law (n=886) % Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane (n=811) % Agree strongly 90% 82% 69% 77% 76% 68% Agree slightly Disagree slightly 10% 18% 23% 24% 32% 31% Disagree strongly Agreement is strongest that a woman's health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law (Q.5)
Expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government.
(Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base 807 388 419 75 160 161 147 115 148 Agree strongly 50% 52% 47% 48% 54% 53% 42% Agree slightly 19% 30% 21% 17% 10% Disagree slightly 12% 13% 9% Disagree strongly 16% 22% 6% 15% 39% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 807 324 422 41 234 209 222 141 Agree strongly 50% 31% 53% 46% 47% Agree slightly 19% 16% 20% 36% 17% 21% Disagree slightly 12% 13% 11% 14% 10% Disagree strongly 18% 24% 22% Those aged 65+ are more likely to disagree that expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government. (Q.4)
Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion in Ireland. (Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base 831 404 427 74 159 173 147 121 156 Agree strongly 57% 56% 63% 62% 61% 45% Agree slightly 20% 22% 18% 24% 21% 23% 10% Disagree slightly 9% 7% 8% 14% Disagree strongly 12% 17% 4% 30% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 831 349 420 42 233 214 238 146 Agree strongly 57% 59% 56% 35% 63% 53% 54% Agree slightly 20% 19% 36% 18% 22% Disagree slightly 9% 10% 8% 12% 6% Disagree strongly 14% 15% 17% 16% Those aged 65+ are also less likely to agree that Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion in Ireland (Q.4)
Women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law.
(Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base 886 435 451 86 165 185 166 123 161 Agree strongly 76% 75% 77% 74% 81% 73% 78% 86% 68% Agree slightly 14% 16% 13% 21% 6% 17% Disagree slightly 4% 5% 3% 2% 7% Disagree strongly 12% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 886 346 462 54 250 231 239 166 Agree strongly 76% 78% 75% Agree slightly 14% 11% 16% 23% 12% 13% 18% Disagree slightly 4% - 2% Disagree strongly 6% 7% 5% Little difference in agreement across demographics that women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law. (Q.4)
The fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad. (Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base 873 432 441 82 167 192 160 129 141 Agree strongly 68% 67% 70% 63% 72% 64% 79% 61% Agree slightly 14% 15% 13% 20% 16% 5% Disagree slightly 4% 9% 1% 3% 6% Disagree strongly 8% 11% 10% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 873 364 434 52 247 223 250 153 Agree strongly 68% 69% 64% 71% Agree slightly 14% 13% 30% 16% 9% Disagree slightly 5% 4% - 3% 8% Disagree strongly 6% 10% 18% 11% 55-64 year olds are most likely to agree that the fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad. (Q.4)
It is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions. (Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base 868 427 440 80 172 190 155 120 151 Agree strongly 63% 61% 66% 52% 57% 71% 64% 80% 54% Agree slightly 13% 15% 11% 22% 17% 10% 2% Disagree slightly 6% 3% 7% 4% Disagree strongly 18% 19% 24% 14% 26% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 868 353 444 48 246 217 245 160 Agree strongly 63% 65% 50% 66% 64% 60% Agree slightly 13% 12% 28% 11% 10% 15% Disagree slightly 6% 5% 9% 8% 7% Disagree strongly 18% 20% 17% 19% Those either end of the age spectrum are less likely to agree it is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions. (Q.4)
Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane.
(Base: All Adults 18+ who gave an answer) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Base 811 401 409 77 157 175 147 110 144 Agree strongly 52% 53% 37% 48% 59% 70% 47% Agree slightly 16% 15% 14% 18% 21% 13% 10% Disagree slightly 11% 8% 25% 12% 9% 5% Disagree strongly 19% 23% 24% 30% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 811 338 413 39 241 204 225 142 Agree strongly 52% 47% 57% 51% 56% 48% 46% Agree slightly 16% 13% 25% 17% 11% 14% 21% Disagree slightly 12% 10% 9% Disagree strongly 20% 23% Those slightly older, aged are more likely to agree that Irelands abortion ban is cruel and inhumane, while year olds are less likely to agree. (Q.4)
Expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government.
(Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 55+ Base 1,002 491 511 100 190 210 180 140 321 Agree strongly 40% 41% 39% 36% 42% 43% 34% 38% Agree slightly 15% 16% 22% 18% 13% 17% 8% 12% Neither agree nor disagree 19% 20% 23% Disagree slightly 10% 11% Disagree strongly 4% 32% 24% DK 1% 2% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 1,002 409 506 58 281 261 180 Agree strongly 40% 42% 21% 44% 37% Agree slightly 15% 13% 17% 25% 14% Neither agree nor disagree 19% 16% 30% 18% 20% Disagree slightly 10% 9% 12% 8% Disagree strongly 11% DK 1% 2% A majority across all demographics agree that expanding access to abortion should be one of the priority issues for the next government, with the exception of those over 65 (of whom 42% agree). (Q.4)
Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion in Ireland. (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 55+ Base 1,002 491 511 100 190 210 180 140 321 Agree strongly 47% 52% 46% 53% 39% 45% Agree slightly 16% 18% 15% 17% 19% 9% 13% Neither agree nor disagree 24% 12% Disagree slightly 8% 7% 6% 10% Disagree strongly 14% 3% 26% DK 1% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 1,002 409 506 58 281 261 180 Agree strongly 47% 50% 25% 52% 43% 46% Agree slightly 16% 17% 18% Neither agree nor disagree 15% 29% 19% Disagree slightly 8% 7% 6% 10% 5% Disagree strongly 12% 11% 13% 14% DK 1% 2% Almost two-thirds of people across all demographics agree that Irish politicians should show leadership and deal proactively with the issue of widening access to abortion, except for those over 65 of whom the 48% agree. (Q.4)
Women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law.
(Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 55+ Base 1,002 491 511 100 190 210 180 140 321 Agree strongly 67% 66% 68% 63% 70% 64% 71% 75% 61% Agree slightly 13% 14% 12% 18% 5% 15% 11% Neither agree nor disagree 10% 7% 8% Disagree slightly 4% 2% 3% 6% Disagree strongly 9% DK 1% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 1,002 409 506 58 281 261 180 Agree strongly 67% 66% 68% 69% 65% Agree slightly 13% 9% 14% 21% 10% 11% 16% Neither agree nor disagree 7% 8% Disagree slightly 4% 3% 2% Disagree strongly 5% 6% DK 1% There is strong agreement across all demographics that women’s health should be the priority in any reform of Ireland’s abortion law. (Q.4)
The fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad. (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 55+ Base 1,002 491 511 100 190 210 180 140 321 Agree strongly 60% 59% 52% 61% 65% 57% 73% 48% Agree slightly 12% 13% 11% 17% 14% 4% 8% Neither agree nor disagree 10% 18% 7% 5% Disagree slightly 3% 1% 2% 6% Disagree strongly 9% 15% DK Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 1,002 409 506 58 281 261 180 Agree strongly 60% 61% 59% 57% 63% 55% Agree slightly 12% 11% 26% 14% 7% Neither agree nor disagree 10% 15% Disagree slightly 4% 5% 3% Disagree strongly 6% 9% DK 2% 1% Across all demographics, there is broad agreement that the fact that women must travel abroad to access abortion unfairly discriminates against women who cannot afford or are unable to travel abroad. (Q.4)
It is hypocritical that Ireland’s constitution bans abortion in Ireland but allows women to travel abroad for abortions. (Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 55+ Base 1,002 491 511 100 190 210 180 140 321 Agree strongly 55% 53% 57% 41% 51% 64% 69% 45% Agree slightly 11% 13% 9% 17% 15% 2% 7% Neither agree nor disagree 12% 21% 8% 14% Disagree slightly 5% 3% 6% Disagree strongly 16% 19% 10% 22% DK 1% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 992 409 506 58 281 261 180 Agree strongly 1,002 54% 57% 42% 58% 53% 56% Agree slightly 55% 10% 23% 9% 8% 13% 14% Neither agree nor disagree 11% 15% 12% Disagree slightly 5% 6% 7% Disagree strongly 17% 16% DK 1% 2% 3% Two-thirds of respondents agree with this statement, with a consistent level of support across all regions and socio economic groups, with age noting some differences. (Q.4)
Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane.
(Base: All Adults 18+; n=1,002) Total Sex Age Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 55+ Base 1,002 491 511 100 190 210 180 140 321 Agree strongly 42% 43% 29% 40% 48% 55% 37% 45% Agree slightly 13% 12% 10% 15% 18% 8% Neither agree nor disagree 17% 20% 24% 16% 19% Disagree slightly 9% 11% 7% 4% 6% Disagree strongly DK 1% Total Class Region ABC1 C2DE F Dublin ROL Munster Conn/ Ulster Base 1,002 409 506 58 281 261 180 Agree strongly 42% 39% 46% 33% 49% 44% 38% 36% Agree slightly 13% 14% 11% 16% 15% 8% 12% Neither agree nor disagree 18% 17% 34% 20% 19% 21% Disagree slightly 9% 10% Disagree strongly DK 1% 2% 55% of those who have an opinion believe that Ireland’s abortion ban is cruel and inhumane. (Q.4)
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