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A New Approach in Assessment:

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1 A New Approach in Assessment:
Group Coursework for Enhancement of Student Engagement in Engineering M03ODL 303AAE Dr. Muhammad Kashif Khan, Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering, Coventry University Springer et a. (1999) and Jones et al. (2013) have recommended the giving control to students in the learning process to increase their confidence and commitment for learning. Indeed in my earlier teaching experience, it was learnt that students in engineering preferred small group based learning ideally around any specific problem. In this study, students groups of maximum four members were given a coursework task assignment of design and development of Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV). The coursework comprised of wide range of activities such as experimentations, calculations, research, flight test and writing a report to meet the learning outcomes of the module. Theoretical designing of the UAV with validation from computer models and final flight testing was also required. The students actively participated in the coursework throughout. They successfully designed and developed a UAV from scratch in the laboratory with the aim of flying after series of testing and validation. 3- Course Work Task Assignment 1- Rationale Rapidly increasing lack of student engagement in engineering education is reaching to an alarming level (Fatahi et al. 2005). Consequently, the learning process in engineering requires teaching with a well planned strategy (Felder 1988). The problem based learning has shown reasonable success in tackling this problem in earlier studies. Small group based work stimulates the student engagement and learning if clarity of goals and assessment is used (Springer et al. 1999). The group coursework help students’ productivity, cooperation, various communications, attitude towards learning and novelty in ideas (Rust and Jones at al. 2013). 6- Student Feedback “This module gives us the opportunity to do research on different aspects of physics and test our knowledge” “Project is engaging” “Experience of design / manufacture of UAV is an important skill fro my career” “We are building an aircraft” ' 4- Challenges & Solutions Difficult to find assessing the correct amount effort of individual group members. Group coursework very often is dominated by the priorities of extroverts which initiates lack of engagement among group members. Disagreement among group members may affect the targets. Decision making in the group becomes very challenging. Efforts should be monitored by looking into the individual efforts of group at micro level such as minutes of meeting record, breakdown of tasks to individual members etc. Peer assessment approach may show improvement in the quality of work by students. 2- Problem Aerospace System Design (303AAE) is a third year undergraduate module in aerospace engineering. The module has shown significantly lower student satisfaction and pass rates in the recent past. The module is comprising of high percentage of international students (70%). The complexity of the learning outcomes and conventional assessment techniques have been seriously questioned by students in their feedback. The module was also known to yield lack of student engagement owing to complexities in the module and diverse cultural background and pedagogical experiences of international students. This has initiated the trialling of a different learning and study approach. 7- Staff Feedback “The strategy of using course work has shown tremendous improvement in the learning among students. It helped stimulating the students and we found extravagant student engagement . The effectiveness of the strategy is reflected buy the 100% student satisfaction and pass rate. Students demonstrated positive interaction and grip on the learning by developing UAV. ” (Module Staff) The student feed back of 86% students participated in the MEQ shows: 95 % students were satisfied with staff teaching on the module 84% students felt that module was intellectually stimulating and engaging 74% students felt that module materials used by the staff enhanced their learning 84% students said that the assessment requirements of the module were clear 86% students felt that feedback on the coursework was useful to develop their understanding of the module content 100% students were satisfied with the quality of the module 5- Outcome- A satisfying Picture A group coursework based assessment in 303AAE module was used. Student groups design and developed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based on their preference, ambition, decision making etc. The coursework assignment was comprised of theoretical designing of the UAV with validation from computer models and final flight testing. The students actively participated in the coursework throughout. Improved results in student achievement and attitudes due to this strategy and average marks in the module also increased substantially. The student feedback of this module was magnificent with 100% satisfaction. The students in their comments appreciated the fairness in marking, passionate teaching and freedom given in the coursework. 8- Conclusions & Recommendations 9- References Fatahi, B., Khabbaz, H., Valipour, H. (2005) ‘Application of Research-Inspired Assessment to Enhance Students Learning in Civil Engineering’ Conference Proceeding, SEFI, Felder, R. M. (1988) ‘Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education’ Engineering Education, 78, Felder, R. M. (2000) ‘The Future of Engineering Education II. Teaching Methods That Work’ Chemical Engineering Education 34 (1), Jones, B. D., Epler, C. M., Morki, P., Byrant, L. H., Paretti, M. C. (2013) ‘The Effects of a Collaborative Problem-based Learning Experience on Students’ Motivation in Engineering Capstone Courses’ Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 7(2), Springer, L., Stanne, M. E. (1999) ‘Effects of Small-Group Learning on Undergraduates in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology: A Meta-Analysis’ Review of Educational Research 69, Rust, C. (2002) ‘The Impact of Assessment on Student Learning’ Active Learning in Higher Education 3,

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