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An Adjustment Scheme for a Buyer-Seller Game

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Presentation on theme: "An Adjustment Scheme for a Buyer-Seller Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Adjustment Scheme for a Buyer-Seller Game
Harri Ehtamo Kimmo Berg Mitri Kitti Systems Analysis Laboratory Helsinki University of Technology

2 Mechanism design - revelation of truth is costly
Nonlinear pricing Design of tariffs and contracts Auction design Taxation Public good (Groves mechanism, 1973) Bargaining

3 A buyer-seller game Seller: (x, t) = t – c(x)
Buyer: U(x, t) = V(x) - t max U(x, t(x)) (IC) V(x) - t(x) = 0 (IR) x0

4 Solution by a linear tariff: t = x + 
V´(x) =  = c´(x) V(x) = x +  = t Linear tariff: t = t + c´(x)(x - x)

5 The linear tariff:  = const. c(x)+d V(x) t U = const. d x

6 Use production cost for pricing:
t = c(x) + d nonlinear pricing t = t + c´(x)(x - x) linear pricing ( x , t ) optimal bundle

7 Incomplete information – Bayesian Nash equilibrium
N buyer types: I = {1, ... ,N}

8 The constraints: (IR) (IC)

9 Two types H , L : Optimality conditions:

10 Figure 1: An example of a two buyer case.

11 Assumptions and propositions
Assumption 1: The single crossing property: Proposition 1: The single crossing property implies that the optimal amounts in the bundles are nondecreasing in type. Proposition 2: Under the single crossing property, the optimal prices are:

12 Assumption 2: No bunching:
Proposition 3: Without bunching, the first-order optimality conditions are

13 Bayesian Nash equilibrium by adjustment
N buyer groups pi fraction of group iI, known k=1,2, ... updating periods

14 Adjustment using linear tariffs
Exploration step: Increase of bundles (xi,ti), iI

15 Experimentation step: i = L,H

16 Figure 2: Illustration of two iterations.

17 Figure 3: The Method.

18 Figure 4: The limit process.

19 Table 1: A two-type case.

20 Table 2: A four-type case.

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