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Agenda 3/6/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Integers (35 min)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 3/6/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Integers (35 min)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 3/6/2017 (43 min) Attendance (5 min) Integers (35 min)
Khan Academy Practice Synthesis (3 min)

2 Integers

3 Khan Academy Levels Signs of sums
Adding & subtracting negative numbers Multiplying & dividing negative numbers Absolute value to find distance Absolute value to find distance challenge

4 Signs of sums

5 Adding & subtracting negative numbers

6 Multiplying & dividing negative numbers

7 Absolute value to find distance

8 Homework Integers


10 Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.

11 Agenda 3/7/2017 Attendance (5 min) AIR PT 2 (35 min) Synthesis (3 min)

12 Directions to access AIR PT2
Go to my webpage Google: tvschools Benjamin Smith Click on Math 7 Click on AIR Practice Tests Click on Practice Test 2 Click Enter your first and last name and click begin When finished do a silent activity: missing work, reading, drawing…etc

13 Homework none


15 Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.

16 Agenda 3/8/2017 Attendance (5 min) Fractions (35 min)
Khan Academy Practice Synthesis (3 min)

17 Fractions

18 Khan Academy Levels Adding & subtracting negative fractions
Multiplying positive and negative fractions Dividing positive and negative fractions Negative signs in fractions Adding & subtracting rational numbers

19 Adding & subtracting negative fractions

20 Multiplying positive and negative fractions

21 Dividing positive and negative fractions

22 Negative signs in fractions

23 Adding & subtracting rational numbers

24 Trade n Grade Bonus - +1 for quote/+4 for vocab

25 Homework Fractions

26 Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.

27 Agenda 3/9/2017 Attendance (5 min) PEMDAS (35 min) Synthesis (3 min)
Practice Khan Academy Synthesis (3 min)

28 Hand back quizzes









37 Khan Academy Levels Order of operations with negative numbers
Order of operations challenge Powers of fractions Properties of exponents challenge (integer exponents)

38 Homework PEMDAS


40 Synthesis of Learning Write down three things you learned today in your notebook . Write down tonight’s homework.

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