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1 Trauma

2 Trauma Leading cause of death for people under 40
Occurs as a result of physical forces applied to the body Blunt forces Penetrating forces

3 Mechanism of Injury The way in which forces act on the body to to cause an injury Kinetic energy- the energy of a moving object, and is the relationship of mass (weight) and velocity (speed) Kinetic Energy = mass/2 x velocity2 If weight doubles energy doubles If speed doubles energy quadruples

4 Mechanism of Injury Knowledge of different types of MOI’s allow us to predict injuries A high index of suspicion for multisystem trauma and unseen injuries in the following situations Falls from heights Motor vehicle and motorcycle crashes Car vs pedestrian / bicycle / motorcycle Gunshot wounds / stabbings

5 Blunt Trauma Vehicle collisions 3 impacts Vehicle strikes something
Passenger impacts interior of vehicle Passengers organs impact solid structures in body

6 Vehicular Crashes Frontal Collisions Rear end Collisions
Deceleration injuries Rear end Collisions Whiplash injuries Lateral Collisions (T Bone) Rollover Crashes Injuries unpredictable due to multiple impacts Restained vs Unrestrained Partial or full ejection

7 Vehicular Crashes Car vs Pedestrian Car vs Bicycle Car vs Motorcycle
Usually presents with graphic injuries but be alert for unseen injuries Car vs Bicycle Similar findings as pedestrian May be wearing a helmet Car vs Motorcycle Lay down vs impact with larger object Protective equipment (helmet, leather clothing)

8 Situations that indicate Trauma
Death of other vehicle occupant Severe damage to the vehicle Severe damage to front or rear Moderate damage to laterally Rotational or rollover Patient with altered mental status Ejection

9 Concerns with MVC’s Speed Safety equipment
Seat belts SRS systems Did safety systems deploy or were they used.

10 Falls How far did they fall
15 feet or 3 x persons height considered significant What part of body impacted ground (head vs feet) What was ground surface ( cement, grass)

11 Penetrating Trauma Low velocity/ knife or ice pick
Medium / High velocity Hand gun Rifle Shot gun Military weapons Try to get as much info as possible about weapon for hospital.

12 Blast Injuries Primary blast injuries- pressure wave from blast
Disruption of blood vessels Rupture of major organs (especially hollow organs) Secondary blast injuries – injuries caused by being struck by flying debris Tertiary blast injuries – occurs when persons body is thrown back Miscellaneous injuries – burns, inhalation injuries

13 Multisystem Trauma Injuries to head Bleeding or bruising to the brain
Swelling in the brain causes pressure against skull All signs may not be evident early in assessment conditions may deteriorate with time Frequent reassessment is crucial

14 Multisystem Trauma Injuries to neck and throat
Life threatening injuries possible Trachea Major blood vessels Cervical spine

15 Multisystem Trauma Injuries to chest Lungs Heart Great Vessels
Pneumothorax Tension Pneumothorax Heart Contusion Tamponade Great Vessels Rib Fractures

16 Multisystem Trauma Abdomen Solid organs Hollow Organs
Liver, Spleen, Pancreas, Kidneys Hollow Organs Stomach, Large and Small intestine, urinary bladder Organs very vascular risk for internal bleeding high

17 Main Priorities of Trauma Care
Scene Safety/ appropriate resources MOI / high degree of suspicion Identify and manage life threats Try to limit on scene time to 10 minutes “the platinum 10 minutes” Give receiving facility a “heads up” Transport considerations (ground vs air) Secondary assessment and non life threat treatments enroute Reassess every 5 min

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