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Smart Gun Design IND 2313 - Fall 2016 - Group B.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Gun Design IND 2313 - Fall 2016 - Group B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Gun Design IND Fall Group B

2 Members Rose-Claire E. Pyram Ronald Wong Eric Ramsunder Brian Gonzalez

3 Introduction The idea of designing a Smart Gun has introduce not too long ago, but the authority thought about it and putted it aside, however today’s world everything is going smart why not our fire arms just to keep up with technology.

4 Criteria Ease of adaptability in the market Feasibility of use
Flexibility in application Potential impact of safety Potential for ancillary use

5 Constraints The biggest constraint we faced was the issue of not being able to create any prototype to test our design in terms of usability and ergonomics. Having something in theory limits you in many ways as opposed to actually holding something to assess

6 Smart vs Classic Classic gun Bullets Barrel Safety Trigger Smart gun
Battery Fingerprint sensor GPS LED Display

7 Advantages and Disadvantages
Safer Smarter Ergonomic Hackable Prone to failure/malfunction

8 Functions A Gun is a gun no matter how you named it but just like adding smart to our small device, why not call our gun smart. Call it smart because it can be personify with the idea that each gun can be fired only by its authorized user to prevent misuse of it, accidental shootings, gun thefts, and self-harm.

9 Display


11 Fingerprint Sensor


13 GPS, Power Supply, IP66 Rating


15 Ergonomic Design We design the gun to be as comfortable as possible for the user. The use of fillets and chamfers takes away the sharp edges which makes it comfortable for hands.

16 Comfortable Design

17 Conclusion Our design is very reliable, Our team take the time to think of many lives that can be saved just by using the right gadget. We hope for a tomorrow where gun doesn’t have to be the most scary thing but something to protect others.

18 Thank You

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