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Basic Animal Nutrition 2

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1 Basic Animal Nutrition 2
Walter J. Taylor Agricultural Educator Sources: College Lectres, Google Searches, Textbooks owned by the department and instructor

2 Animal Nutrition Digestive system differentiation Monogastric
Humans, pigs, dogs, cats, Hindgut fermenters: horses and rabbits Modified: birds ALL have ONE TRUE Stomach Ruminants Cattle, sheep, goats, deer, elk, buffalo, llamas ALL have a FOUR compartment stomach

3 Animal Nutrition Parts of the Ruminant Digestive System

4 Animal Nutrition Grain has Butyric acid which stimulates papillae growth in the rumen Hay: strengthens muscle in the rumen Roughages: produce acetic acid and proprionic acid (not good for papillae growth) Feed only after animal is weaned from milk

5 Animal Nutrition Where do animals get their protein needs?
Plant Base: corn, oats, wheat, hay, cottonseeds, soybeans Animal Base: tankage Where do animals get their CHO’s needs? Plant Base: corn, oats, wheat, barley, sorghum Where do animals get their Fat needs? Plant Base: oil seeds and grains Animal Base: tallow

6 Animal Nutrition What is the difference between these terms?
Concentrate: a feed that is high in CHOs and low in fiber Roughages: a feed low in carbs and high in fiber Where do animals get their minerals? Inorganic sources: mineral lick areas, eating soils that are high in the mineral, plants Where do animals get their vitamins? Roughages, grains, milk, sun

7 Animal Nutrition What can you infer about animal rations so far?

8 Basic Animal Nutrition 2
Classes of Feeds

9 Animal Nutrition Roughages > 18% Crude Fiber
EXAMPLES: hay, pasture grasses, silage, fodder Non-legumes: borne grass, timothy grass, corn, sorghum, Sudan grass EXAMPLES: alfalfa, clover, beans, peas Legumes: these plants have nodules on roots that fix nitrogren in the soil

10 Animal Nutrition Concentrates <18% Crude Fiber
>20% Crude Protein = high energy EXAMPLES: Grains: corn, oats, wheat, barley, soybeans, sorghum Sometimes we add protein supplements >20% CP Animal Base: by products of the meat packing industry (bone and blood meal, tankage) Plant Base: products of oil extraction process (soy, lysine, cotton, peanut, sunflower, = seed oil meal)

11 Animal Nutrition Feed Additives: purpose is to improve health and increase feed efficiency Vitamins, minerals, molasses, antibiotics, hormones, fats, salt, anathematic (dewormer) preservatives, bloat guards, tranquilizers, antioxidents, baking soda, rumen activators


13 Animal Nutrition Animals can be feed these components individually but more producers are blending them into Total Mixed Rations (TMR). TMR can be produced by the producer or from a commercial feed agribusiness

14 Animal Nutrition Who are our feed companies?

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